We plan to travel in Europe for a year. Does anyone know if after obtaining a long stay French Visa, assuming it is granted, are you then also allowed to obtain the equivalent in Germany. (the visa we would be seeking in Germany is applied for after arriving in the EU, in Germany) So our Valid Visa dates would overlap.
Seeking to do this in order to be 100% within immigration laws, since ideally our year in Europe will be equally split going between France and Germany. I have read a lot from people who get a long term visa from France and then move about freely in Schengen over the 90 days allowed within 180 days, because no border checks when traveling by car, but I am not comfortable doing that, will be traveling with 3 children and am not taking any chances.
Our plans are super flexible and I am ok with waiting to find this out in Germany when we try to apply, and adjusting our plans if denied or as needed. Just thought I would see if this is even allowed, anyone has ever done this, or tried to.
It may even be as simple as returning back to France on our long stay visa each time after "using up" our 90 allowed days in Schengen (Germany) and just going back and forth every 90 days for the year and avoiding the German Visa all together. Unfortunately I cannot find that detail anywhere?
Thanks in advance!