I know the issue of passport expiration has been on this site multiple times but....
I leave for Italy Oct 24 with a return Nov 1, 2016 (I know, an awfully short trip). My current passport expires in May 2017. Lufthansa, the airline I am using, requires a passport be valid for 6 months prior to exp date. This trip was quite last minute - I had planned to go in early Sept but things fell through. Didn't expect to go this year at all. Anyway....
I have checked the State Dpt website but don't fall into the category for a expedited passport with a visit to the passport center. This would be a hardship in itself anyway.
I do not dare to use the mail or FedEx for an expedited passport since my last renewal my name was misspelled requiring a correction and a wait since I have only 14 business days left before my trip.
Do you all think I will be OK? Should I call Lufthansa?
Thanks for your help.
call Lufthansa and get the name of who you talk to then 2 days later call again and ask the same question and get that name, too. You look like you are in the time limit, but just barely.
Lufthansa, the airline I am using, requires a passport be valid for 6
months prior to exp date.
Where exactly does it say so? Schengen rules require 3 months passport validity after the intended date of departure from the Schengen Area. Lufthansa cannot override the law.
"Lufthansa cannot override the law."
In fact, they sort of can in this situation. In the US, there is no passport control on departure, so the airlines make sure your papers are in order to enter the country you are going to. They do this because, if you are refused entry, they not only have to return you to the US at their expense, but pay a very heavy fine (I've read it's over $10,000!). So, they tend to be risk-averse in these matters - meaning if they're not sure, they won't let you board the plane. And airlines are allowed to let people refuse to board, for a variety of reasons (of course, there are also reasons they're not allowed to use, such as those that constitute discrimination - but this wouldn't fall into that category).
So, even if Italy or Germany would be fine with your passport, if Lufthansa is not fine with it, you could be in trouble.
"In fact, they sort of can in this situation."
Well, I guess you should take them to court more often so that they can learn and also educate their check-in staff. There isn't always passport control on departure in Europe either but we can get nice compensation if ignorant check-in or gate agent wrongly denies boarding due to passport validity. BTW, formal passport control on departure is not necessary, check-in staff have access to Timatic, too. I suggest the OP check it before getting on the phone to Lufthansa. Among other things, it requires passport issue and expiry dates and in the end you get a definite answer whether your documentation is sufficient to enter a country.
I do not see the issue. You are returning November 1. Your passport does not expire until May---which is more than 6 months after your return. (even if it expires on May 1, which you have not indicated, that is a full six months of validity).
Agree with Sasha, don't see the problem.
Same here...I was looking for the problem...
I traveled with Lufthansa two years ago in June with a September expiration and I didn't have any problems. I was sweating it a bit so called the US State Department and they said I was ok. I had no questions or issues with any staff from Lufthansa. Sounds like you will be ok.
Well, I guess you should take them to court more often so that they
can learn and also educate their check-in staff. There isn't always
passport control on departure in Europe either but we can get nice
compensation if ignorant check-in or gate agent wrongly denies
boarding due to passport validity.
Except that they are not breaking any laws! They are fully entitled to set the rules on which they are willing to do business with you and if you don't like it you can always go find another carrier. Only thing is that with the penalties so high for carrying a rejected passenger, most of the carriers have higher standards that the EU minimum.
This time last year I flew Lufthansa with a passport expiring in four months. It wasn't an issue.
If Lufthansa or any other airline, has requirements more stringent that the government rules, they need to document it somewhere in writing. On Lufthansa's site I can find no such wording regarding a six month validity rule.
Thanks everyone for the replies. There was some fine print at the bottom of my e-ticket that mentions the 6 month passport expiration, but in reading it again tonight, it is not from Lufthansa but from the agency through which i obtained the ticket.
As I mentioned, it would have been a real hardship if I had to travel to Boston between now and my departure to get an expedited passport as well as trying to get the appointment!
This is a short trip for me in that I usually go for 2 weeks+ but I am taking what I can get at this point. I need my Italy fix!
Thanks to everyone for the assurances that I will be OK.
"Except that they are not breaking any laws! They are fully entitled to set the rules on which they are willing to do business with you and if you don't like it you can always go find another carrier. Only thing is that with the penalties so high for carrying a rejected passenger, most of the carriers have higher standards that the EU minimum."
They are allowed to set rules on your luggage weight, size and many other things but not on documents required for international travel and their validity. These are set by the respective governments (departure country, transit country if applicable due to airport setup, and destination country). When in doubt, check TIMATIC in the link I posted above. This is the system airlines use.
I am sorry but you are incorrect. The airlines do get to decide.
would have been a real hardship if I had to travel to Boston between now and my departure to get an expedited passport as well as trying to get the appointment!
I realize this is a moot point, since it sounds like you're set... depending on where you are in Vermont, St. Albans may be an easier option than Boston. I believe they are also capable of expediting.
My trip to Italy overlaps yours! I leave Oct. 25 and return Nov. 7.
MrsEB, I think I am OK (in fact I am sure of it). But thanks.