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Announcement: New Helpline Forums

Hello, We have added two new forums to the Helpline called Trip Reports and Travel Partners. These new forums are different in that you are not required to ask a question when starting a new topic. Additional rules for these new forums are noted when you enter them. Travel Partners is a replacement for our European Travel Partners Wanted forum that existed on our Graffiti Wall. This was necessary to protect the contact information for those who wish to meet new travelers on their trip. Trip Reports should give a voice to the many people that have come to the Helpline looking for a way to talk about their trips. We hope that this new forum can turn into a vibrant place where people can share and learn from others' travel successes, failures, and tips. Enjoy!
RS Webmaster

Posted by
953 posts

If you don't see these new forums, be sure to refresh your page where we list our message boards.

Posted by
3428 posts

Thanks! I am certain we will enjoy these. Also -

Posted by
953 posts

I just spoke with my Systems Administrator and he suspects there may be an issue with one of our three servers. He said that he has now scheduled a restart on that server for late this evening. So, you may not be able to see the new forums until tomorrow. I'm sorry for the inconvenience... this may affect up to a third of you.

Posted by
5620 posts

I think your Sys Admin is right. I've been getting frequent timeouts the last couple of days when trying to access the RS site. It will work fine one minute and the next minute I will click on a link and get an error. Thanks for the new forums.

Posted by
32232 posts

Webmaster, Thanks for adding these new sections! I'm sure the Trip Reports one will be much appreciated. Cheers!

Posted by
23376 posts

I guess we need to bump this up for Gretchen.

Posted by
33023 posts

Most excellently topping. ta <<Bump>>

Posted by
1170 posts

Thank you Webmaster! This will be most helpful and I am sure, quite enjoyable for
The writer and the readers.

Posted by
3255 posts

I'm looking forward to learning from reading about everyone's travel experiences! I like your description of the Trip Reports forum - "a vibrant place where people can share and learn..." Thank you Webmaster!

Posted by
559 posts

Yeah! I'm also really excited to read the trip reports! THANK YOU Webmaster! Not to be greedy, but maybe adding another new board, dedicated to Technology Questions (e.g., questions about IPads, Laptops, favorite apps, Phones) might be helpful in terms of keeping it all in one centralized place! I realize that 'General Europe' is accommodating these posts now, but it would easier for both the posters and the readers! What do you think? :)

Posted by
953 posts

Awww... thanks, Sharon! I wrote it myself. :p A tech section is a new idea. Not a bad idea. My long term plan is to create a few others first but I will keep this idea in my back pocket.