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Anglophile or Deutschephile?

The window for use of air miles is disappearing fast. It is already too late for May, and I need to decide soon on travel plans for March 2013. At present, it is a tossup between Germany and England. I plan to hit both within the next three or four years, so it is really a matter of which to visit next spring. Both trips would include some new places (Marburg to Regensburg vs. the Cotswolds) and some are familiar to me (Frankfut and Munich vs. London). But this would be a first trip to England for my wife, and mostly new places in Germany for her. Germany is leading at the moment, in part because of cost, but not by much. I am not asking people to decide for me, but I would like input from others on Travelers Helpline. What are your thoughts?

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5678 posts

I suspect you'll be happy whichever way you go. I would hesitate to pick this based on weather. When you check out the averages they are about the same and spring in UK (which yes in the south generally starts in March) can be beautiful. The Cotswolds do get the benefit of that ever popular Gulf Stream. ; ) Pam

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3696 posts

What will you regret not doing the most? You can certainly plan your trip to see mostly new places as you explore together and not revisit those one of you have already seen. I love them both, but given the weather I would probably opt for Germany in the spring to see the wonderful poppy fields and the fields of those bright yellow plants (I think it is canola). Yes, you can go with the attitude that you will return, but sometimes life changes that for us. So, I would go where my heart told me to with no regrets.

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1064 posts

Thanks to the four of you for your comments. This turned out to be a good way to make sure I have not overlooked anything before making the final decision. Germany seems to be the better value all around, so I booked tickets out of Atlanta flying into Dusseldorf and return from Munich. Weather was not a big factor, but I could see going to the Cotswolds a year or two later,waiting until May, when the trees put out new leaves.

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951 posts

Since the British pound spanks our American dollar, I would opt to make my England trip cheaper by using my frequent flyer miles.

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3280 posts

Sounds like a great trip Roy! Congratulations on booking your flight! Now the planning begins - if you have time, Salzburg is an easy train ride from Munich.

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693 posts

Roy, I had booked the same trip - fly into Duesseldorf and home from Munich (had to cancel, unfortunately)- and found out that there's a train station right at the airport in DUS. You probably already know this, thought I'd mention it, just in case. Gute Reise! Regards, Anna

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15237 posts

Roy, Normally, I would say it's a tough call given Frankfurt/Munich vs. London. But since you're considering adding Marburg, a lovely city, to the itinerary, I would say make this next trip in March a Deutschlandreise. See the Elisabethkirche in Marburg, ca. 15 walk from the train station, a good day trip r/t from Frankfurt, very'll see why.

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3050 posts

Even the expensive parts of Germany (like Munich) as others have said will be a better value than England. That said, since you've already been to Munich and Frankfurt, why return to those two places when there are so many other great cities in Germany to explore? I get if you're flying in/out of Frankfurt, but I would consider adding a different major city in Germany as a destination maybe? Berlin is amazing, I hear Hamburg is really fun, Dresden is beautiful. Or if not another city, another region? Weather is a toss up. My sister visited Germany in early March this year. It was cold cold cold, even snowed in Munich one day. You might see some daffodils depending on time of month but in general, it's still going to look (and feel) like winter here for the most part. Spring doesn't really kick into high gear until April.

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34583 posts

Roy As you are including Regensburg, one of my favourite "burgs", you might enjoy the old kitchen next to the stone bridge. The kitchen is as old as the bridge, which is pretty old, and sells wonderful small sausages in multiples of 3 with Suess mustard made in Regensburg and a decent plate of saurkraut. Yummmmm. It is a lovely place to wander around. We didn't get there this trip but we will soon return. Bamburg just down the road isn't bad either...

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1064 posts

Sarah, I agree with everything you say, but I cannot do it all. I expect this trip to focus on towns across central Germany from northwest to southeast that have always intrigued me but I never got around to visiting; there are also a couple of towns, along with central Frankfurt, I have not seen in over 40 years and want to visit again to see how they have changed. Everything has to be between Dusseldorf and Munich because of my airline tickets. Marburg and Regensburg are on my must-see list. Other than that, it is far too early to nail down an itinerary. I won't be able to spend much time in Frankfurt, but I do want to spend a night there, or at least a Sunday on the way from Marburg to, probably, Heidelberg. We will probably spend the last two or three nights in Freising to be near the Munich airport, but I do not expect to venture into central Munich, since we were there for a few days only three years ago. There's still a lot in that area, including Dachau, that we did not get to last time but maybe will this time. Hamburg and Berlin are too far afield for this trip, but maybe in the future -- after London & the Cotswolds and Paris & Normandy.