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Amsterdam or Paris in 1st week in April

The first week of April, my wife and I can either spend a day in Paris or Amsterdam. Only one day, and no longer. I understand it will be pretty cold out, and possibly rainy. Should we visit Paris or Amsterdam?

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875 posts

I love both places. That being said, if you've never been to either, I'd definitely choose Paris. Paris is wonderful in any kind of weather!

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9109 posts

They're both great cities. But Amsterdam is smaller and more compact, so it's easier to do a lot more in a short amount of time. Also, some of the major art Museums in Paris make you wait in long lines to enter...In Amsterdam that usually isn't a problem.

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689 posts

I like Paris so much better, but I agree with the poster that said since Amsterdam is smaller/more compact, one day makes more sense there.

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11507 posts

Paris. Paris. Paris.

As for museum lines,, tell us which museum you are interested in,, and perhaps a few tips will help elimanate that concern.

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4132 posts

My guess is, because of the "only one day" thing, that you face some serious logistical challenges on this trip.

I would chose the city that those logistics favor the best, the one where you will be able to spend the most time there rather than in transit.

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12172 posts

For one day. I would see Amsterdam. You won't even scratch the surface of Paris in one day.

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818 posts

Definitely Amsterdam. Easier and quicker ride from airport. You can wander the whole city - I've taken the train there for just one day and had a great time. Make a reservation to see Anne Frank House, wander the beautiful neighborhoods. I love Paris too but logisticly you'll get more out of one day in Amsterdam. Paris, I think, would be too overwhelming in one day.

I doubt either will be very cold - maybe damp - we always pack cheap plastic ponchos and they have saved the day when it rains on vacation. Yes, we look like tourists in our scrappy ponchos but we're dry!