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Amsterdam and Ibiza Spain


I will be meeting up with a friend in England in July and than we will be flying to Amsterdam for 3 nights, and then Ibiza, Spain for a week. Any fun ideas or suggestions of what we can get up to?

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Sorry, we will be traveling there in July of this year (2009).

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It really depends on your age and what you consider fun. Amsterdam is one of my favorite cities, been twice, going again in September. There is certainly art and other museums, the sex and drugs element if you have an interest there...or at least the opportunity to create a story to tell on return, but really, I can think of nothing better than spending my day walking, stopping for a beer at a cafe next to a canal, and repeating several times. I am sure that there are some good clubs, and the Dutch are wonderful people with nearly everyone able to speak some English and very friendly. I have not been to Ibiza...yet, but I have been to Majorca, Ibiza will have a much more party, tourist, beach vibe, figure on being up all night and sleeping on the beach most of the day...otherwise, not much reason for going. Basically, if I were younger, it would be a great trip.

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14 posts

Thanks for the tips on Amsterdam. As for Ibiza, I have a feeling anyone who reads about it, should know what they are getting themselves into haha.

Thanks again!