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Amex dropping Continental from membership rewards!

Just received notification that I won't be able to use my points on CO after 30September 2011. Foe many, that can be a problem as it can take a year or more to hit the point levels for a free ticket so plan accordingly.

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9369 posts

I'm guessing that is because of Continental's acquisition by/merger with United? Perhaps United will honor the points under the combined company.

Posted by
1167 posts

That's too bad because CO has had some of the most generous awards. I am assuming that you will still be able to use your Amex points on the other airlines in the program.

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1590 posts

As Nancy stated, this is due to the upcoming merger. United is not a partner of the Amex program, and neither is AA. This is a major limitation of the program and thus reduces its value to me. The big unknown is what the award redemption table for the new combined airline will look like.

Posted by
818 posts

I feel like I am going to cry! I live in spitting distance to Newark (Continental's hub) and live for my miles! Does this mean I have until sept 2011 to transfer miles from AmEx to OnePass?

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1078 posts

No, it means we can transfer until 30 September, 2011. It's a major problem for me in that it has been my major business airline, so I will have to change over the next year. It is also a problem for me in that there award levels have been very competitive-as an example, fling Darling Wife to and from FCO with me for 55,000 points and on others, it's around 100,000. Real bummer.

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1167 posts

Is it the entire CO rewards program or just the partnership with AmEx that is being terminated?