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Amazing Race Passport Holder?

Does anyone know what the passport holders that the contestants use on TAR? They go around the neck and under the arms for security. I've seen them worn on the back (if you're traveling with someone to help you with) or on the front if you're alone.

I have looked everywhere I can think of for them and have even emailed the show inquiring about them, but have had no luck.

Any thoughts?

Posted by
9369 posts

Are you talking about those fanny-pack-looking black bags? I assumed they were just bags they had made for the show. Something worn on the back wouldn't be very secure, anyway.

Posted by
208 posts

No, not the ones that they carry all of their gear in like a fanny pack.

This is one where they wear it on their person - under their shirts. It ties up around the neck and around the chest. Theres no way you could get this off by just cutting the neck strap - it would have to be removed from the chest area as well.

Posted by
208 posts

Closer - I think these are waterproof - I've seen them wear them in the water - such as tonights episode. (Guessing on the waterproof aspect - they don't take them off.)

Posted by
23557 posts

Who needs anything that complicated?

Posted by
188 posts

Were they black? I thought they were for the sound/microphone system.

Posted by
9109 posts

That "black box" they wear under their clothes, is some sort of satellite tracking device. It allows the producers the see exactly where every team is on a computer screen in real time. They only wear them if they're driving themselves around in cars.

Posted by
9369 posts

I think Tricia is right - it's part of the sound system. They obviously don't wear their passports on them all of the time or Zev's wouldn't have gotten flipped out of the bag in that temple. The black bag is supposed to be for their travel documents and the clues (which they are supposed to carry with them, not discard).

Posted by
9109 posts

It's a satellite tracker. If you head over to one of the Amazing Race message boards there are a lot of former contestants that answer questions. The black box is one of the most frequently asked questions. If it were a mic you would see it on every episode.

Posted by
208 posts

Thanks everyone for your replies! I have been trying for a few years to figure it out - never thought (obviously) that it might be for the show itself. Now I don't feel like I'm crazy!

Thanks again!!

Posted by
345 posts

yikes. Passport should be in your moneybelt. You don't need access to it. Only your daily walking-around money in the purse (meaning what you can afford to lose!) no matter how she holds it.

Posted by
9109 posts

What! You expect reality TV to be real! Nobody on the Amazing Race should be using a money belt! My Sunday evening entertainment takes priority over a contestant loosing their money and/or passports!

Posted by
1 posts

I also have seen the passport holder you are talking about. I have searched everywhere and can't find them.

Posted by
32324 posts

Bonne & Dana, While it may not be exactly as those used on The Amazing Race, does one of These Models look similar? I've never really looked closely at the Passport Holders used on the show, but will have a look when the new series resumes on February 20th. They may be a custom-manufactured product? Cheers!

Posted by
331 posts

Ever get the feeling you're from another planet? It's how I'm feeling right now.