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Amazing Race

Just wanted to remind everyone that watches Amazing Race that it starts tonight.

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32324 posts

Robin, Thanks for the reminder. I've had my DVR programmed for several weeks to record the show! It will be interesting to see how well the teams manage this time, especially as they've all been through the process once before. Should be a really good competition!!!

Posted by
3428 posts

Really looking forward to this season. It may be really hard to choose a favorite team as many of my previous favorites are back!!!

Posted by
811 posts

Thanks for the heads-up, Robin, as it wasn't on my radar for some reason!

Posted by
977 posts

So excited. Saw an ad tonight for the 'fast tracked' next series of the AR. Wondering if it is the one you guys are seeing at present. First stop around the world was Sydney??!!

Posted by
3428 posts

Judy- I think it is the same one. The show was set in Sydney (one of my fav cities by the way) Sunday- still racing at the end of the show.... but it looks bad for the cowboys (I really like those guys, too).

Posted by
1976 posts

I've waited months for this show and was so excited on Sunday!!! As another poster said, I have so many favorite teams this time around that it's impossible to root for just one (or two, or three). I can't imagine running one, let alone two legs of the Race while I'm jetlagged, tired in general, hungry/thirsty... These people are hard-core.

Posted by
977 posts

Good one. Looking forward to watching it. I dont' know the make-up of the teams, so I am unsure at this stage who I will barrack for. Definitely won't be 'rooting' for anyone though!!!!!

Posted by
188 posts

Oops, Judy, you'll have to forgive our N. American use of the word, "root". We also have a line of products sold under the "Roots" label. Have you seen it down there???

Posted by
811 posts

Haha - I had no idea what Pauline or Judy were talking about until I just Googled "what does root mean in Australia." Oh, my. Ok, adding 'root' to the list of words not to use in Australia, a list that already includes 'fanny pack'. Good to know!

Posted by
4412 posts

Aw, come on Judy! It would make the show just that much more interesting...and fun ;-)

Posted by
977 posts

I sure do know about the Roots label. My daughter and I were in Canada in 1995 and fell about laughing at all the people wearing t-shirts and other apparel with Roots Canada emblazoned on the front!!!!! Our comment was they are going to pretty damn busy. Yeah guys put it right up there with 'fanny pack' as an 'ooops' word.

Posted by
977 posts

What a great start to the new series. Sydney Harbour in all it's glory is a spectacular sight. It always takes my breath away. Not looking good for the Cowboys, unfortunately. Would have taken a lot of guts to get into the water with those 'noah arks'. An abalone diver was taken here in South Australia by two great white sharks a couple of weeks ago as he was preparing to board a boat with his catch. Terrifying creatures.