If I do not join a Rick Steves' Tour, I am thinking I would love to go to the Alps area (Italy, France, Switzerland, Germany, and/or Austria) Tirol/Salzburg area sometime in May or early June for hiking (everything from easy/moderate river walks to alpine ridges and summits), culture, and good-for-me things (like thermal baths, spas, and saunas). I like the idea of a 2 or 3 center holiday that is not too spread out (say under 1 -2 hours from each other).
I looked into hotels in the Tirol/Salzburg area and there are many with hiking programs. But not all guests will speak English. I'd really like to connect with other English speakers, not necessarily for hiking (but that would be nice) but just in general. I checked escorted walking tours but those really do not seem to start in these areas until June/July which is too late for me. I cannot travel then unfortunately due to work needs.
Does anyone know any good hikers' hotels or have any other suggestions?
Thank you again!