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All hostel rooms are taken. Uh oh, or it's okay?

I was going to strictly use HI Hostels, and I was gonna book online today, but I found out that all the rooms on the date I want are taken.
Does this mean I'll have to look for other hostels, or are there generally few more rooms available, it just says it's not available online?

Thanks in advance!

Edit - Some sites say rooms are all taken, some say it's still available. Whaaa?

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60 posts

So far I've found that if you email the hostel directly instead of going through one of several hostel booking sites/engines, they are more than happy to help you (and space is usually available). That is, as long as you inquire early enough. Good luck!

If it turns out that all HI Hostels are fully booked, try online hostel review websites to find decent non HI-affiliated places. is one of my favourites (but there are several).

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162 posts

Often HI hostels leave a few free beds each day for those people who show up on the day. But I can't speak for all HI hostels in every city in every country on every continent.

You could try phoning or emailing them directly to find out.

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881 posts

It depends when, and where you're going Billy. If it's high season, or an event weekend, they could truly be full. Make a phone call if you can. The Let's Go book series have the most absolutely up to date contact info, way better than lonely planet or the other guides for hostels, and is well worth the investment.

Also try the non HI hostels. Yes HI hostels are consistent - but they can be consistent in the "my, this place is so generic it could be anywhere", and "it's filled with junior high/high school kids on a school field trip". The HI hostels are OK, but my best experiences were at non HI ones.

The only place I had troubles booking night of was London, in the high season. All the hostels were full, but after calling B&B's for an hour form the train station, I finally found a bed. Everywhere else (15 countries), was OK.

If you have any question let me know. I've done the Hosteling/backpacking thing several times for several months.