Hi all...in my Food Budget thread, the topic of what to drink at restaurants is being discussed. It got me thinking about the cultural aspect of alcohol.
Europeans seem to drink wine or beer with dinner as a norm. They seem to have a much more relaxed attitude towards young people drinking. (These are my observations, please correct me if I'm wrong.) Is alcoholism a large problem in Europe? What is the drinking age? I wonder if growing up with wine at dinner makes it less of a temptation to sneak and get drunk as a teenager??
My husband and I both had fathers who were alcoholics. Mine was extremely abusive, while his was extremely neglectful. We don't drink very often...although I love wine and he loves beer. I must admit that I worry that if we drank every day, we are more predisposed to becoming alcoholics.
Does Europe have a healthier attitude towards drinking than America? I'd just like to promote a discussion and get some clarity on the subject.