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Airport Scanner Experiences?

What does one do with wallet, passport, purse, boarding pass, ect during scanning? Putting other stuff in carry on is ok, but passport & wallet are critical. Any one with recent experience? Thanks

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990 posts

If you go through the scanner, you are not permitted to have anything at all in your hands or on your person. This includes your documents. Unfortunately, at least the way the scanners are configured in Seattle, you cannot see your property while you are being scanned, which takes a good bit longer than going through the metal detector. I think the TSA is recommending that you put valuables, including wallets and passports, inside your carryon to keep others from taking your goodies.

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5792 posts

I think you are best to put your valuables inside your carry on bag before you go through security. I had a colleague who put her cell phone and wallet in one of the baskets to go through the metal detector. She was pulled aside for a pat down and when she returned to get her stuff from belt, the wallet and phone had been taken. This was back in 2001 shortly after 9/11. It was exceptionally inconvenient as that was back when you had to show ID at the gate just to board the plane. She had to be escorted by airport security to board. I think it is a bit harder for someone to steal a large carry-on bag than it is with a smaller item, so I prefer to put valuables in the carry-on and remove them after passing through.

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934 posts

I put my extra money and passport in my neck belt the entire time in security. My wife carries no purse and I dont take a wallet.My wife waits until I am completely finished and then sends her carryon thru.She has 2 new knees and gets checked each time.We dont want her bag sitting waiting for her to finish.

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16053 posts

I put wallet, keys, money belt, cell phone, and the like, except my ID and boarding pass, into a small pouch and put that at the bottom of my bag. If you don't know it's there, you won't find it. Once through security, I head for the nearest rest room for privacy and put it all back on me.

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1589 posts

This problem ( articles out of one's reach during the scan ) remains to be resolved by the TSA . It is unnerving to not be able to remain in eye contact with your documents and funds during this procedure. For this reason alone, I have refused the scan.

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5148 posts

Many thanks to all who replied. Definitely some good ideas and food for thought. TC