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12313 posts

They always look too small to me........... Everytime I get in an airport I imagine my bag being larger than it is and all the sizers are too small for my bag.........It's not until I'm stowing my bag in an overhead bin that I realize mine is probably the smallest bag on the plane. :)

Posted by
138 posts

My bag is smaller than the sizers that I have seen, because I don't stuff it on my way to Europe. (On the way back I check my 18" bag, and carry on my Rick Steves tote filled with the results of my shopping). Here's what I dislike: that many airlines do have the sizer there, but don't use it, and a lot of bags get on the plane that are lots bigger than they should be. Then the last people on the plane may have to check bags that are way small (without getting charged, but what a bummer if you were planning on going carry-on and have several transfers). Here's my cringing confession: I really did not want to check my bag on the way to France, and I ended up squishing someone's garment bag in half so I could get mine on. But that garment bag was twice as big as the sizer, easily! The cabin staff should have made them check it.

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12313 posts

Grace, My gripe exactly. I often fly for business, which means I make late travel plans and have to board last. I would much rather have airline personnel check everyone's bag. They often let the early boarders go unchecked, however, then get picky when they get to the end of the line (me). My bag is always well within the carry-on limits and it bothers me to watch them let the pack mules on - then ask me if they can check my carry-on.

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1266 posts

I just wish airlines would actually adhere to their carry on policy. I've seen to many gate agents get bullied by passengers when they make a comment about their bag. Here's an idea, Call security when they get unruley(sp). Make an example of one person and the rest will fall into line.

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1976 posts

You guys are right on. The airlines are desperate for money; you'd think they'd really utilize their power to make people check bags (and pay).

Posted by
629 posts

I agree, if you're early or late, the airlines should have the same rules for ALL. Measure all of the bags or don't measure any of them. I've read so many posts with people fretting over different airlines rules and enforcements. Will my bag be weighed and measured or won't it? Here's a vote for some conformity so that we all have one less thing to worry about.

Posted by
40 posts

What ticks me off (on domestic flights) is getting through 2 flights....same airline, same day....then a gate agent at last leg of travel eyeballs my carry-on, demands it be put into their sizer and won't even let me fit it in before announcing IT'S TOO BIG and then making me check the bag. And you guessed right[INVALID]the bag then arrived 8 hrs after I did. Good times.

Posted by
500 posts

Maybe if airlines were more serious about security of bag contents people would feel better checking their expensive items like cameras and laptops. No one does because so many things seem to disappear from within bags when checked.