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Adding Italy to France vacation

Dear seasoned European traveler, We're a California couple in our 50-60s We like our vacations with affordable quality, lots of day nature & artifact sightseeing, and balanced relaxation time. We're planning on traveling to France in mid September 2011 for two weeks max to tour the Burgundy/Loire River Valley area. We've already flown into and seen Paris/Versailles and Brittany areas in 1994.
Our question is we'd love to see and stay but should we/can we quick rail from Lyon to Lake Como & Cinque Terre areas of Italy easily enough as part of our two weeks and fly home from Milan, or should we concentrate? Thanks for any sage input. Mike & Sue

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1976 posts

Hi Mike. Since you have only 2 weeks, stay in France - there's plenty to see in Burgundy and the Loire River area.

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10545 posts

I agree. Concentrate on France. There is plenty to do there. Even though you have been to Paris it has been quite a while. You might want to spend a few days there too. Save Italy for another trip. Have fun!

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1446 posts

I would concentrate on France only. It sounds like the Dordogne might fit in quite seamlessly into the trip that you are envisonning.

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3696 posts

I love both kinds of trip...where you stay for a time in an area and really get to hang out, or where you get a taste of an area and decide if you want to go back. If you last trip to Europe was 1994 and you have never been to Italy I would go to both. I love both Cinque Terre and Lake Como, but if i had to choose one it would be CT. I love to see the Mediterranean when I am in Europe and from there you could go to Milan
and see it for a day before you leave. And everyone says you will be back, but that is not always possible for everyone, so I say without going crazy see what you want to.

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3551 posts

If you can spare at least 6 days then I would say you can accomplish LC & CT. there is a fair amt of train travel involved w/ transfers w/ your proposed itin. But "balanced relaxation time" I do not believe can be enjoyed w/ those distances even in 6 days. I have done something similiar but stayed 3 nights in ea LC & CT the flying out of Milan. I would concentrate in France you could perhaps add the French Alps (Chamoix) or French Riveria much closer to Lyon. ANd both w/ lots of day nature and relaxation
particularly in Chamonix French Alps. From Chamonixi bus shuttle to an easy flight out of Geneva Switzerland to USA.