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A suitable present for my European friend?

I know it's not the best bulletin board to ask something like this, but I can't think of any better place to ask, so here we go. Let me know if you want this removed :D

While I'm in Switzerland, I'm going to meet one of my good friends. And since she's going to let me stay in her place for a while and even travel with me for a week, I should get her a little present. I'm not sure what would be appropriate.

She's a 20 years old university student studying graphic design, and very interested in politics, nature, history, etc.

I am thinking about Barack Obama's memoir - Dreams From My Father. She is a big supporter of him, and a nice paperback is always a good gift, huh?

Do you guys have any other thoughts about it? By the way, it's suppose to be a "little gift" and I'm not planning to spend any more than $30 :P

Any inputs would be great, thank you!

Posted by
10344 posts

There's nothing wrong with your question. It's been asked here before, so no apology needed.

I'll stand aside and let others make suggestions. Often people here suggest something they can't easily buy in Europe but let's see what people suggest.

Posted by
5678 posts

Is your friend Swiss? It wasn't quite clear. I have friend that I see in the UK occasionally and I take her a book that specific to the midwest because I figure it's harder to get things that are more regional. I also have taken a local calendar. My friend enjoys the outdoors and so a Wisconsin calendar is a good one. Had you thought about a book or calendar from one of the DC museums? Pam

Posted by
162 posts

I would suggest buying something you can't get in Switzerland. And even better, your gift says something about where you're from. A local calendar is a good idea, that the previous poster suggested. I once took a teddy bear dressed up as a Mountie (but I'm Canadian) for a friend.

Nature: a book or calendar about the wonderful American National Parks.
Politics: a Barack Obama lawn sign (if they're still available)

Go to a tourist shop in your local town or city and see what catches your eye.

Posted by
11507 posts

Shes a young student,, shes likely not rolling in money,, treat her to a nice dinner. I always take my hosts out to dinner. I ask them to pick a place as I would like to take them out.. they seem happy enough, and we both have a good time.

The book is not a bad idea either.. I wouldn't sweat to much about it..

Ps Did you mean 30 dollars,, not euros?

Posted by
28 posts

I picked an American cuisine cookbook, I forgot to mention that she also likes to cook :D
And Pat, I'll be sure to take her out to dinner as well. Haha, that almost sounds like I'm trying to approach her :P
Thanks a lot everyone!

Posted by
14 posts

Recently my brother was visiting his daughter in Germany. He is a Mason and was to attend a Masonic ceremony. He took American quarters that had a small Masonic symbol stamped on them. Simple and low-cost but much appreciated by the lodge members. Another friend of mine was golfing in Scotland and he took inexpensive golf balls with the symbol of the Ryder Cup that had recently been in Louisville. Again, low-cost, easy to transport but much appreciated. I think gifts that are unique are the most appreciated, no matter the cost. Being from Kentucky, a bottle of Maker's Mark is always appreciated but difficult to transport!