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A Question about Meeting at Panera Bread

For those of you who hold RS group meetings at a Panera Bread Bakery, do you use one with a community meeting room? If so, are you able to reserve it in advance, and is there a charge? Or do they expect everyone to buy a bakery goody? Some of us are thinking of trying to get a Seattle area group started, and I'm looking for a likely place, with wifi.

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10545 posts

We usually just grab the big table in the middle of the room. No reservation and no charge for using it. If the large table is in use when we arrive, or if fewer people are attending, we usually just put a couple of tables together. Some of us get something to eat and/or drink. There are no expectations, and no servers hovering. That and the free wifi are the reasons we chose Panera. Most of us tend to move around the table during the meeting to be able to converse with everyone. Good luck with starting a group. We have a great time and get to exchange a lot of good information.

Posted by
19237 posts

Early in the history of the Denver group, I asked about a "community meeting room". Seems they have one at another Panera, quite a distance away. At the time, it was basically just Frank and I and I didn't think either of us was willing to travel all that way. So far we just look for a few tables together. I'm not sure the Wifi is even all that important. So far I am the only one who has brought a Wifi enabled computer.

Posted by
3262 posts

Hi Lola, Same for us in Atlanta. We try to get there early enough to get one of the larger tables - they won't reserve it. Some people have lunch, some just coffee or a snack. If you can find a place with a community meeting room that would be ideal! Best wishes in starting your group! It's always fun and there's lots of great travel info shared.

Posted by
2671 posts

Lola- Are you planning for Seattle proper, or Puget Sound in general for your meeting place? I've seen quite a few posters from around Pierce County and was wondering what area you were thinking sure would be fun to meet some of the posters. Valerie

Posted by
17233 posts

Thanks, everyone, that is very helpful. The one Panera that offers a community meeting room is up in Redmond, nice for Microsofties but not all that convenient for people coming from the south or other areas. I'll pick one that is more central. Valerieeveryone from the Puget Sound area will be invited, and I'll try to pick a location that will be easy to reach (near a freeway) and offers easy parking. I'm thinking maybe the Panera in Factoria, right off !-90 and I-405. I am also looking into libray possibilities per the suggestion of another person who is interested, but we may not have wifi there (and no bakery goodies either.)

Posted by
10545 posts

Another reason to not pick a have to be quiet. That wouldn't work for our group!! :-)

Posted by
4412 posts

"Another reason to not pick a have to be quiet. That wouldn't work for our group!! :-)" ROFLOL!!! She preaches the truth!

Posted by
129 posts

You could try chocolati in greenwood. They have Wifi and bakery goods and a huge backroom that can accompany 20 people at least. Also, Cafe Allegro in the Udistrict takes reservations for large groups, and its free. You can reserve out their whole upstairs room. There is also a coffee shop in Wallingford that allows large groups. Good luck! Would love to join your group!

Posted by
1317 posts

Count me as another Seattle-ite who'd be interested in joining in!

Posted by
1408 posts

Lola, this would be a lot of fun... I'm in. Linda