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A Guide on Getting Money in Europe

Hello all,

In today's Travel section, there is an article written by Rick Steves titled "Cut Down on Currency Fees in Europe."

Since the topic of getting money while in Europe comes up very frequently here, I think it is a worthwhile read for anyone with such questions.

The article can be found HERE

Posted by
19237 posts

And, although it is not what Rick says he did in Madrid, ALWAYS bring home some Euro to start your next trip. Just consider your next trip as a continuation of this trip. Would you ever let the cash in your money belt go to zero, assuming you would find an ATM at the last moment? Of course not. Then why let it go to zero between trips.

As Rick says, "Assume you will return".

Posted by
9369 posts

Good, commonsense advice -- the same that we always give here. Compare rates/fees when selecting a card, use ATMs and pay with cash, advise your bank that you will be traveling, watch for scammers, etc. The card comparison chart is helpful.

Posted by
8700 posts

Money 101, in the Travel Tips section of this site, is a longer article on this subject. However, I see that Rick hasn't updated it to include what he wrote in the CNN Travel section about being sure you have a PIN for your credit card in case a merchant asks for it.