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eiffel tower reservations

I have tried for 2 days to navigate the web site to reserve tickets to go to the top of the eiffel tower in july (2 adults , 2 teenagers) and I can not figure it out. don't know if there is a glitch on the site or I am a big dummy. also any advice on london and paris with teens would be appreciated.

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17232 posts

You're not a dummy!!! It seems like the website is not functioning right now. It won't let you pick a date once you get in th eright area to buy tickets. I've navigated it before without difficulty, so this looks like a glitch. Maybe it has something to do with the "technical problems" they are having right now, causeoing only one elevator to function, and long lines! I'd suggest just keep trying over th enext few days, or maybe call them?

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17232 posts

As far as tips for travel with teens, you might try posting the question in the respective area, "to the West" for Paris and "to th eNorth" for London. You'll get lots of responses. OUr teen girls loved London and keep wanting to return. They were sort of "meh" about Paris, but did love the Eiffel tower (we climbed the steps) and Versailles. In London, their favorites were the Tower of London, the Tate Modern, the British Museum, the parks (St. James, Green, Hyde, etc.) where we went running together, the Horse Guards ceremony, Wagamama for meals, and just walking around.

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11507 posts

I was told that they only book 90 days out,, like train tickets,, so perhaps just wait a bit and try closer to date.

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2 posts

I also have been having difficulty trying to buy tix. If you are not able to view the April calendar, does that mean that tix are sold out? Previously I was able to navigate to the April schedule, but now no longer. I can only view the month of June.

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7209 posts

I just stated in my previous comment that the elevators in the Eiffel Tower are out of service. I think only 1 is running right now. I was just there 5 days ago and have never seen SO many people climbing up and down the stairs in the tower. They can't book timed entry tickets while knowing that the elevators are nonfunctional.

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2788 posts

The downside of purchasing tickets for the Eiffel Tower ahead of time is that there could be a storm that day and you would be out of luck. I have gone to the top twice and both times I just showed up and got in the shortest line on a nice day.

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11507 posts

Charlie makes a good point. I waited in line once with my 11 yr old for almost an hour,, as we got to the front of the line,, they closed the top ,, due to weather! No guarantees no matter how you slice it in life! BTW the view from the second level can be just as good as the one from the top when its very hazy out.

Posted by
143 posts

I did use the online reservation system to book a ticket for last May (2012). Do seem to recall it was quirky but in the end it worked, and I was up on the 2nd level within 20 minutes of my arrival. I would say keep trying. I also booked online for Versailles, which I also highly recommend! (Oh, and also for a day at Paris Disneyland. Might be something to consider with two teens a very easy train ride right from the heart of Paris to within feet of the entrance)

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7 posts

I was attempting to do the same thing this time last spring for our July trip to Paris. Ran into the same problem - you are too early. I think I ended up booking the Eiffel Tower in late April/early May. My 13 year old daughter and I were in Paris last summer and it was fabulous. She loved every minute of it. Eiffel Tower was a must. She loved the Louvre but hated the Orsay. Shopping was FUN! We didn't buy much of anything but she loved just going into the small boutiques and looking around. Versailles was also a big hit for her. PM me if you want more specifics. Every so often she would get tired and the "teen attitude" would come out. I always just found a gelato/snack stand and we would sit and rest for an hour. Or I would go back to the hotel and let her have an hour w/her laptop to check Facebook and email her friends. It always seemed to perk her back up.

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1 posts

Is this still the case? Looks sold out for the first week of July, then opens up...posts booked time from 9am to 7pm, but won't let you pick 9pm, for example...