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Debit cards

The guide book says that in Paris a credit card with a micro chip is used, not the magnetic strip we use in the USA. How do you get one of those?

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1152 posts

You don't need one. The swipe cards we use here will work, just not in the automatic machines for tickets, etc. You have to give the card to a human. It is very difficult to get a "chip & pin" card over here, in any event. There is a company selling prepaid ones, but the fees are pretty high. Don't worry about it is the bottom line advice.

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23550 posts

You don't. It is a technology that Am credit cards are not interesting is adopting. But it is not a serous problem either. Most vendors will accept the Am cc, after all they want your business and money. A few places with automatic machines -- like unattended gas stations, some ticket machines, the Paris bikes, etc. will not accept the Am cc but there are always other options for using your card. And remember, cash is always good.