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6 month passport rule

When traveling to a country that says they require your passport to be good for 6 months after travel, how strict is that rule?

First, is that requirement based on the date of the start of the trip, or the end? And second, would they care if, say, your trip ended a week before the 6 month mark? What about a week after?

Just wasn't sure if it's a specific requirement or more the agent's discretion.

Posted by
21771 posts

Since the airline is responsible for returning you if you get refused entry, they are very strict. If the country you are flying to requires 6 months from the date of your return (indicated by the date of your return ticket), they will not let you board the plane.

Check the requirement date for the country you are flying to at their official website.

Posted by
23743 posts

They can be very strict. It just depends on the immigration officer on duty. It is six month after you end your trip in that country. Remember it is "their" rules -- not the US. Get it renewed.

PS Just read Sam's response. And, yes, the airline can be more strict since they are responsible for getting you home if entry is refused.

Posted by
1138 posts

The 6 mo rule is absolutely enforced. We had friends not allowed to board in Atlanta for a Xmas Market River Cruise in December because their passports were expiring in 5 mo and 16 days from the time they returned. Ours expire in April 2025, we are taking a trip to Italy October 2024 - we are renewing soon.

Posted by
211 posts

Thanks for the responses everyone!

I know the rule is enforced, I just wasn't sure if it's 6 months exactly, or if they would care if it was like a few days past. Based on one of our family member's passport dates, they could travel through half of July and still have some slack before it expired in late January, but getting time off work in late June is sometimes tricky. So by beginning travel in July instead, they'd be cutting it close.

Posted by
21771 posts

The 6 month rule depends on the country. In January, I flew to Switzerland for 9 days with a passport that expired in June. But Switzerland specifically states "3 months from the planned return date", so I was fine. I flew Swiss, so they know the rules. Another airline might not have.

Posted by
211 posts

Per reports here, Passport renewals are finally being completed quickly now. Good luck!

That's good. It's not for this year though; just thinking ahead to future travel. But probably best when we get to that point to renew to be on the safe side.

Posted by
1271 posts

Even if it’s the “agent’s discretion” which I highly doubt, I’m not sure I would want to plan a trip with the cost and time that goes into planning that trip only to take a chance on the airline not letting you board because your passport is set to expire.

Posted by
34632 posts

nowhere does it say 6 months more or less, or 6 months plus a few days. It is six months. Come back before, who cares? Come back to the day, raised eyebrows and maybe not going. Want to return more than 6 months for a 6 month requirement - no go.

How can "6 months after travel" be confusing? Hoping to squeak through is asking for trouble.

Posted by
21550 posts

When you go to the airport to checkin and the ticket agent runs your passport they will be using the same IATA database that you can find here:*2pbfhv*_ga*MTQwODg3NzY5MS4xNzE0ODkwOTg4*_ga_PLLG1EY0X0*MTcxNDg5MDk4OS4xLjEuMTcxNDg5MTA5OS41OS4wLjA

Everyone, unless they have intimate familarity with the laws of the country they are traveling to, including any changes to those laws that might have occcured in the last 48 hours, should go here before traveling and do a quick check. Costs nothing, takes five minutes and provides the best answer you are going to get anywhere.

If it says you are okay, then the airine will let you on. If it does not say you are okay, the airline will not let you on the plane. They dont have the authority to bend the rules of another country. There are probably exceptions, but they are as rare as chicken teeth.

And I understand you think you are in a bind and it doesnt hurt to ask. I guess I would have asked too.

Posted by
1271 posts

EC, I think you misunderstood what I said. The OP thought that it might be at the “agent’s discretion” and a rule versus a law… not me which is why I said I highly doubt it. I guess I could have said you’re totally wrong. If your passport is set to expire in 6 months or 3 months, depending on the country, no one is going to give you a few weeks leeway, Customs officers do not have the “discretion” to break the law.

Posted by
34632 posts

it is the airline agent, then on arrival it is the border officer. Have to win at both.

Posted by
2623 posts

Worst case scenario: If your passport does not meet the requirement, you will not be allowed into the country. You may “get lucky” and make it onto the plane to Europe. But the customs officer upon entry will deny you entry. You will need to pay for an immediate return trip to the US.

Posted by
2663 posts

Every year there are news articles about this rule and people who have vacations ruined because they ignore it. A few years ago I read 2 articles where travel professionals were the victims. Just the other day there was an article or youtube video about another victim.