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6 hours in Amsterdam airport

we have 6 hours in Amsterdam before we connect to our next flight. it will be our first time in Amsterdam...will we have time to visit a little bit of the city during these few hours? thanks!!

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2829 posts

Honestly? Don't. It's too risky for your en-route flight.

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5 posts

Don't risk it! We've travelled alot, and so many times we've had things change, like the gate and a few times the plane even left early. Once there was a security breach of some kind ( in Houston) and we had just made it thru security and it shut down...many others that were behind us missed their plane. Amsterdam has a lovely airport and you can keep eating and having cappuchinos in different places! We had that much time the last time we connected there. Don't add more stress than you need to. Could you really enjoy yourself in that small rushed window anyway?

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643 posts

I concur with the above posts. Stay at the airport. Fortunately there is a ton of shopping there and "The Bols Experience" is there to, in the International Departures wing. I think there is a small museum you can visit too. When my wife and I flew out of Amsterdam a week ago, we didn't have too much time between arriving there and needing to get to the gate for the security check. Our flight was scheduled to take off at 2:45pm and they asked us to be AT the gate by 1:10pm. Had to go through the initial passport control, and then at the gate, a second security check, with full shoes-off belt-off jacket-off and the normal questions about luggage, electronics, etc. After clearing that security check, we were essentially stuck at the gate, which did have a bathroom fortunately. Otherwise if we hadn't brought a couple small bottles of water with us from the shop in the concourse, we'd have been stuck drinking from a water fountain.

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520 posts

I think you have plenty of time for a quick peek at Amsterdam. We've done it with a four hour layover. The train trip from the airport to the center of town took about 20 minutes. We had lunch, walked around, and got back to the airport in plenty of time for our flight. Our friends had the same flight the next day so they had the same four hour layover. They went to Amsterdam for an hour or two as well. Although, if you think that you will spend the whole time fretting about missing your flight, it might not be worth it.

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2297 posts

If this were the return flight to the US I'd be careful about leaving the airport. But for a connection within Europe you have plenty of time to take a quick trip into town. Amsterdam is one of the best places to do this as the airport has very quick (20 min) and frequent train connections to the city centre. And it's easy to walk around town and see lots. We had a similar time frame and that gave us enough time to visit the Anne Frank house and have some coffee (me) and hot chocolate (my kids) sitting in an outdoor cafe right at one of the canals. A great way to get some sunlight and combat jet lag!