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6 weeks in Europe

I'll be heading over to Europe in 2011 for 6 weeks preferably around September - October. I am struggling with an itinerary.
I plan to visit England (4 days London), France (3 days Paris, 1 day Nice), Spain (2 days Madrid, 2 days Ibiza, 2 days Seville, 2 days Barcelona), Italy (2 days Rome, 2 days Florence, 2 days Milan, 2 days Venice), Czech Republic ( 2 days Prague), The Netherlands (3 days Amsterdam) and Germany (3 days Munich, 3 days Berlin) which equals 35 days of my 42 day trip. I plan to stay in hostels throughout the trip. I'm trying to figure out the best way to travel between countries and cities and to fit in the best possible places to visit so I can spend more time in certain cities. I have given 7 days up for travel time but I'm curious as to whether there are any possible best ways to travel, places that I can Avoid or places I need more time in. Also I am trying to figure how much I will have to budget seeming I will be staying in hostels. Any help would be Glady appreciated.
Thank you

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34 posts

My husband and I did 6 weeks last year in April/May. Was the best trip of our lives! What helped us with travel time was flying within Europe. We had the one month railpass but also got cheap flights like with Ryan Air. check on other European airlines as well but it saved us tons of time.

I think 2 days in Rome is cutting it close - we used our full 3 days to the max and could have seen some other stuff but we're into a lot of history/architecture - you should be ok though.

Prague we stayed in Pension Museum - decent, near train.

Rome - Hotel Giardino - people were nice, hotel not so much. Ate a wondeful dinner Al Boschetto.

Florence - Hotel Cardinal of florence - awful - do not recommend even tho people were nice.

Have a great time!

We didn't reserve any hotels - we just went from town to town and looked for what was available (we did have guidebooks though to help us). That way, even though we had an "itinerary" we still had the option of leaving a city anytime we wanted if we decided we didnt' like it as much as we thought.

We did splurge on some hotels, my husband loves to eat, and we bought some souvenirs - overall we spent around $22,000. I know that is a lot of money and can be done a lot cheaper but that included airfare, railpasses, etc . . (we also went to Norway and that is VERY EXPENSIVE).

Your going to have an amazing time!

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655 posts

Have you allowed enough time for travel? Within the trip you actually only have five days of travel time assuming that two of your planned seven are the first and the last day.

I would probably add one more stop in the UK - probably Bath, question one day in Nice, add a day to Rome, skip Milan unless you have an interest in fashion or opera, reduce or omit Berlin, and consider Vienna but these are just my personal tastes.

You are planning an exciting trip. Have a wonderful time.