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With 3 days in Belgium in August, where is the best place to settle in? Brugge? Brussels? Other? Thank you

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1806 posts

Brugge or Ghent. You could just as easily day trip to Brussels from Brugge if there is something you really want to see in the big city. It's a quick trip via commuter rail.

Posted by
12040 posts

Brugge if you want pretty but very touristy. Brussels if you want a more bustling, architecturally varied city. Antwerp if you want a really bustling, slightly gritty sailor's town. Ghent if you want the prettiness of Brugge but with more students and less tourists. Oostend if you want to relax on the beach. Charleroi if you want to feel depressed.

Posted by
313 posts

Norma, you missed Tom's mention of Antwerp. :>)

Actually, I like to get OTBP, but I don't like to advertise those places -- it keeps them that way. Ever been to Vernazza mid-day in the summertime?

But I appreciate what you're saying -- whenever I post here prior to a trip, I want to know peoples' recommendations of OTBP places, but they're hard to come by. Maybe everyone else is keeping their secrets, too!

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9145 posts

We liked Antwerp too. Cool city and very pretty architecture

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12040 posts

I would also add, that after seeing countless Gothic cathedrals throughout the continent, Antwerp's is one of the few that really stands out in my memory. I also think the Grote Markt here is even more impressive than Brussels' more famous example, but it receives only a tiny fraction of visitors. I mean, come on, there's a statue/fountain of a guy throwing a severed hand, with water representing the spurting blood! How cool is that?

Posted by
1976 posts

Ghent. After the first day of exploring, you can take day trips to Tournai and Tongeren.

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1589 posts

What Steve said makes the most sense to me.

Posted by
8293 posts

And poor Antwerp gets forgotten again, which we found an elegant & fascinating city. It's somewhat off the beaten path, and though lots of people on these boards say they want to get OTBP, it seems they seldom do so.

Posted by
951 posts

I did Brugge in December 2008, and found it to be the best place on earth. I did not find it too touristy, what so ever.