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Another ATM Question

I am leaving for Ireland in eight days. I intend to use my debit card for all purchases and to get cash from ATMs. My debit card is a Mastercard with the Smart logo, and so far it looks like it will work. However, I use a credit union for all my banking. Does anyone see a potential problem? I called the 800 number and told them my dates of travel, and they didn't stop me to say my card wouldn't work, but I am getting anxious here.

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97 posts

I'm a credit union member too, and I've never had a bit of trouble using my debit card in an ATM. I haven't tried using it as a credit card, though.

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9369 posts

I have ATM debit cards from two local credit unions. Both have worked flawlessly all over the world. I do call to let them know if I'll be traveling, but I've never had a problem. As long as it's a Mastercard branded card, the ATM system logo doesn't matter - you'll be able to use it in any ATM card that takes Mastercard.

As far as using the debit card for purchases, you might encounter small shops or B&Bs that won't take it, so you'll need cash. Check with your credit union about their daily withdrawal limit and see if it can be raised during your trip if you think you'll need to (I have never needed more than that daily limit anywhere). If you are traveling to more remote rural areas make sure you have cash - ATMs can be scarce in some areas of Ireland.

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2 posts

Thank you so much for the replies. I feel a little less anxious now. Nancy,thanks for the tip about cash. I am fortuneate that my credit union doesn't have a maximum withdrawal policy, so I will make sure I have a euros on me before leaving larger cities.

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668 posts

Crolyn - you cannot depend on the limit (or lack of it) that your card issuer sets. Some banks or ATMs have their own limits. At one in France I could only get 250 Euros, although my bank has an $800 daily limit.