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Itinerary advice for a first timer.

Hello everyone. Using some previous advice and a couple of hours of time from another Rick fan I've come up with my itinerary. Let me know your thoughts.

Days 1 through 11 are are already booked. I fly back to the States on the 29th day.

Leave July 21st.
Day 1 Arrive in Iceland at 630a
Day 2 Iceland
Day 3 Leave Iceland 730, arrive in Paris 130p
Day 4-5 Paris
Day 6 Paris to Brugge (train)
Day 7 Brugge
Day 8 Brugge to Amsterdam (train)
Day 9-10 Amsterdam
Day 11 Amsterdam to Prague (plane)(boyfriend goes home)
Day 12 Prague
Day 13 Prague to Vienna (train)
Day 14 Vienna
Day 15 Vienna to Croatia (either Dubronik or Split)(plane)
Croatia still needs some thought. Want to make my way up the coast. Either Drubronik to Split or Split to Rijeck. Leaning towards Drubronik to Split
Day 15-17 Croatia
Day 18 Croatia to Florence (plane)
Day 19-21 Florence (several day trips)
Day 21 or 22 Florence to Munich or Salzberg (overnight train)
3 or 4 days between Munich and Salzberg (day trips)
Munich to Paris (overnight train)
Fly out of Paris August 19th 2pm.

I might consider changing my departing flight to a different city or spend a day or two more strolling through Paris. The hotels are served up until my boyfriend heads back to the States. My biggest concern is getting to and from Croatia. I'm planning on starting researching that part this week. Thank you!

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10344 posts

Day 19, you have what looks like 3 days in Florence but say "several day trips." Several day trips in 3 days would mean you won't have much time to see Florence itself. Perhaps that's your intention? If you can clarify that for us, we can give suggestions that are more applicable to your trip and intentions.

Posted by
10344 posts

And in the days after Day 22, you say "3 or 4 days between Munich and Salzburg (day trips)."

What do you want to do: sleep in Munich the entire time and make day trips, or split your sleeping between Munich and Salzburg? If you could clarify that for us, we can give you suggestions that will be more useful to you.

Posted by
62 posts

Hey Kent. When I'm in Florence I want to see Florence but I was thinking of doing some day trips as well. I need to research into exactly what day trips more.

With the Munich/Salzburg thing I hadn't decided exactly what would be best to do. Maybe go to Salzburg for a night and then head to Munich. Then maybe a day trip or two from there?

Any thoughts on the best way to do these parts? Am I getting too ambitious?

Posted by
316 posts

Which do you want to see more of - cities or trains?You can't see it all and will wind up enjoying nothing if you try to cram in too much. Out of 22 days, you're traveling 9. As it stands, you're going to see more of the transit systems than any country. Not only that, but your energy is going to be spent on traveling not sightseeing. Just because you've booked some of these places doesn't mean you can't change the reservations.I'd drop Brugges (which I love) and Amsterdam. Spend more time in Paris and Prague, see Vienna, on to Croatia, then Florence and then fly out of Italy. Slow down, relax and enjoy the places you see. Once you go you'll want to return.

Posted by
62 posts

As I'm looking at others posts I'm starting to think you guys are going to think I'm trying to do too much. I was planning on keeping the first 11 days as is because my boyfriend is going to be with me for that portion and he flys into Paris and out of Amsterdam. I was actually feeling pretty good about that part until now. :-\ I'll mention changing it with him.

In regards to the second part of my trip, if I was to cut out part of that or make an adjustment what do you guys recommend. I really want to see Croatia but its the most out of the way. Should I save that for another time? Also, I'm 28 and I did spend 2 weeks in England last summer so that's why I'm leaving England (London) out.

Thank you again!

Posted by
1525 posts


We are neighbors :-)

Do you expect to pass away soon?

The reason I ask is because, if not, it is entirely possible that you could get back to Europe again before you die.

Italy deserves it's own trip (maybe combined with Croatia), not a zip-through. Don't just visit a city. Visit a culture. See a bit of small town life. Stroll.

So your first part of your trip with the BF is set (and busy!!). Take the rest of the trip to chill out and soak a culture in. From Prague, how about focusing on southern Germany and Salzburg, then making your way toward Paris - maybe doing a bit of rural France on the way.

I certainly hope you live a long life and take many trips :-)