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bug spray?

Do I need to bring any kind of bug spray, or take B6 to keep mosquitos away before I head to Europe for my two week trip?

I will be in London, Paris, Venice, Rome, Barcelona, and Madrid in late May and early June. I will not be out of the cities too much, and don't have any real hiking days planned, but I have no idea if there are a lot of mosquitos there or not.


Posted by
9369 posts

If you find you need bug spray (and you probably won't) you can buy it there.

Posted by
1829 posts

If mosquitos are attracted to you definitely take some sort of protection for Venice. It is the one city, apart from Sorrento, where I have found the little b******s a problem from about May to October. Have been bitten in November in Venice!

It helps if your room has air conditioning so you can sleep with the window shut. Just don't have the light on and the window open at the same time. We take plug-in insecticide with us to clear out any already in the room and use wipes before walking around at dusk and at night. You can buy repellent products in Italy.

London should not be a problem (touchwood).

Posted by
196 posts

OFF has little individual packets w/ a moistened towel (about the size of a Wet One)that are easier to carry and apply than a cream or spray.

Posted by
10344 posts

Here's my favorite post on Venetian mosquitos in the summer:

click here, it's the 4th post down, Pat's

"We returned to a room black with mosquitos, it was the most mosquitos I have ever seen in one place."

(From Pat (Victoria)--Pat, old posts never die):)

Posted by
1449 posts

I can promise you there are mosquitos in Venice. Bring bug spray.

Posted by
12313 posts

My only real mosquito infestation was in Modena in a room where the windows had been left open.

I don't pack bug repellent. If you find you need it, you can pick it up there.

Posted by
5678 posts

And, if you don't have air conditioning and need to open the windows for air, turn off the lights first! Otherwise you will attract every little bug within sight. ; )

Posted by
2876 posts

Like several have said, don't bother packing everyday items like bug spray - you can buy such stuff over there if you need it.

One thing you'll find in Europe is that window screens are rare. If you keep your window open at night you might have some unwelcome flying visitors.

I once had an interesting time with a bee in an Irish hotel bathroom.

Posted by
65 posts

As we used to say in Minnesota "There is not a single misquito in Minnesota..... they are all married and have lots of kids." Looks like Venice is Similar? I have only been there in January and February and didn't notice any.

Posted by
1948 posts

Because I live in MN and the mosquito is our state insect, I always carry an emergency supply of bug repellant towelettes. If they are really bad I will go out and buy some bug spray, but the towelettes protect me until I can do so.

Posted by
295 posts

I travel to Europe each summer with Ex Officio Buzz Off Baja shirts. Not only will you never have any bug problems, they are the most comfortable shirts ever made. They have velcro-closing vents in the sleeves, on the back, and in the yoke; as well, the sleeves roll up and button up. Take a look on any web site.

Posted by
10344 posts

This headgear will keep the Venetian mosquitos away

click here

...and make quite the fashion statement in Venice when worn in combination with shorts and something about the color of a "Go Gators" t (and shorts, doesn't it go without saying).

Posted by
121 posts

Kent that is too funny!

I will check out the ex-officio shirts, thanks for the tip!

Posted by
5678 posts

It's a midgie hat! Hah! Having heard all the descriptions of bugs in Venice, I guess I should be happy that I went to Venice in March. ; ) No matter how many bugs you have to dodge I'm sure you'll enjoy your trip. You might want to check out the book City of Falling Angels. It's wonderful.


Posted by
33480 posts

I haven't been bothered much by tiny flying nasties much in most of Europe but I always have a plug in mosquito thingie just in case. Used it in Salzburg last year. Such things are easily available throughout Europe, as are sprays, but I haven't seen the wipes mentioned earlier. I might suggest to carry wipes over with you as they sound light and unavailable easily, but get a spray, etc., as and if you need to.

Posted by
49 posts

No, have been to Europe, all parts 4 times mostly in Spring, Summer and Fall and no issue with bugs espcecially in the cities.