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Help with trip to europe.

planning a trip to europe with my girlfriend and need some advince on budget and another place to go. Were willing to spend however much in needed but at low cost. Needing a place to it better to go with the hostels if so which ones?(in london for the first half the trip) or hotels? We like to party and have a good time so what are some party cities or countries we could go too? what country besides London would you guys have in mind?

Posted by
32303 posts


My first suggestion would be to have a look at the Guidebook Europe Through The Back Door, as that will answer a lot of questions and help with things like "budget" and "places to stay". It should be available at local Libraries or Book Stores, or purchase from this website.

It would help to have a bit of further information on your travel plans. For example, how long are you planning to travel for, what cities interest you, are there are particular sights that you want to see and what kind of budget are you considering?

Hostels are generally the least expensive places to stay, and many these days offer double rooms with ensuite. However, these tend to be the most expensive category of room and the cost is often not much different than that of a budget Hotel. To get some idea of the Hostels in various cities in Europe, have a look at for further information. These are a "chain" Hostel, and the facilities tend to be somewhat consistent from one property to the other. They are NOT "party Hostels and taking out an HI membership will provide lower rates.

If you have a PBS station in your area, have a look to see if Travels in Europe is airing in the near future. That way you'll be able to SEE some of the locations, and that may provide some ideas on places to visit.

Just to clarify one point, London is a city rather than a country.

Good luck with your planning!

Posted by
8 posts

well we are planning on staying for a week....I would assume that we would want to go from London to Spain.

Posted by
873 posts

A few things:

  1. London is not a country. It is also expensive.

  2. How long is your trip? That will have a big impact on your budget.

  3. How much ARE you willing to spend? That, conversely, will dictate the length of your trip and how many places you will be able to visit.

  4. If you are on a budget (sounds like you are), yes, stay in hostels. Much cheaper and worth it, if you don't mind being celibate for however long your trip lasts.

  5. Go to Amsterdam.

Posted by
8 posts

whats the best website to get good airfare prices from the U.S. to Europe and also....if flying into london...(yesss i know its not a country) whats the best way to get around to another country for example spain, germany or amsterdam

Posted by
6897 posts

You'll find very cheap flights on Ryanair to cover those long distances between London and your other destinations. But follow their rules and do NOT arrive late.

For fares to London try this website.

Posted by
873 posts

If you travel to Paris or Brussels, take Eurostar through the chunnel.

For Amsterdam and anywhere in Germany, take a budget airline. EasyJet seems a lot more reputable than RyanAir. We're planning to use them for our flight from London to Berlin.

Posted by
576 posts

The very cheapest way to get low cost airfare has to be bidding on Priceline, keeping in mind that you trade off personal choice and fexibility for rock bottom prices. When I get a ticket for about half the lowest prices I see advertised on Travelocity, Orbitz or the airline website themselves, it would be unseemly for me to complain that I don't get to change my flights around or choose a different carrier. And truthfully, none of my many flights booked on Priceline has been any worse than flights booked through regular sights. My worst travel nightmares had nothing to do with Priceline. I think Priceline is a great tool for keeping travel prices down to a minimum, without sacrificing anything of significance on the trip. Also, consider it for hotels, as well. Often, for about the price of a hostel, you can stay in a really nice hotel.

Posted by
446 posts

"well we are planning on staying for a week....I would assume that we would want to go from London to Spain."

Consider taking two weeks or more, if you can. One week in Europe is hardly worth the air fare, considering that you will spend two of your days just traveling to and from Europe, and besides that, the first day you arrive in Europe you will probably not feel like doing much, because of jet lag.

If you only have a week, however, I would concentrate on one or two places, or maybe just the UK, if this is your first time in Europe.

Posted by
818 posts

I think a week is fine. We go to Europe at least once a year and have never gone for longer than a week and have done long weekends to Amsterdam. Go to Amsterdam. Look into Gronigan - north of Amsterdam and I might have spelled that wrong. We really like The Netherlands and being able to smoke pot freely is a nice plus. London doesn't interest me much. My husband and I are (aged) partiers - now we travel with our son which cuts down on partying (a little). Maybe you could go to London and then fly to Krakow ... loved Krakow and there seems to be a cool party vibe there.

Posted by
32303 posts


A few additional comments based on your last post.

One week is an extremely short time for travelling in Europe! Keep in mind that you'll lose the first day in flight times and time zone changes, and the last day will be spent on the flight home. That leaves five days for "touring" (and you'll be jet lagged for the first few days). I'd strongly recommend trying to get at least two weeks.

For such a short visit, "London and Spain" are not the best destinations, as there's quite a large distance between them. While you could travel from London to Spain via budget airline, that's going to use at least half a day (and perhaps more) of your VERY limited time. Choosing destinations that are relatively close (ie: London and Paris OR Amsterdam) would be a better idea - fly home from Paris OR Amsterdam).


Posted by
9369 posts

I'm with Bronwen - I think a week is fine, if you pay attention to travel times between places and don't try to cram in too many. Not everyone is jet lagged for a "few days". Justin and his girlfriend are undoubtedly younger than most of us, and will probably adapt just fine.

Posted by
818 posts

Some of those suggesting that one week isn't enough don't live on the east coastI assume you can fly direct out of Miami - that makes a big difference. The key is not allowing yourself to get jet lagged! Get moving as soon as you land - get as much walking in as possible. I live close (very close) to Newark Airport - last year we took a 5:45 pm flight to Amsterdam, arrived while it was still dark out, found our bus (we were spending two nights in Haarlem and two in Amsterdam) and arrived in Haarlem by about 6:30 ... it was fun. We just had backpacks and wandered around until we found some guys setting up the farmer's market - they pointed us in the direction of our room (we stayed in a cheap B&B over a bar) and it was fun! We spent a full Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday and flew home first thing Tuesday morning. We had FF tix so it wasn't that we were blowing huge airfare for such a short time but it can be done. My friend and I did a similar trip - 2 nights in Amsterdam, one in Delft and one in Leiden a few years back ... it was a blast ... nothing says "party" like two immature 40 year old women stuffing their faces full of bitterballen.

Posted by
446 posts

Some people can handle short trips to Europe better than others. I can't. It's an 11-hour flight to Europe from my city and I don't do jet lag well. But, apart from the jet lag problem, I just can't see paying all those dollars (usually $800 at least from San Francisco) in airfare for a one-week trip. My motto is, stay as long as you can to get the most for your money.

Posted by
3428 posts

If you can only do 1 week- pick one place. London is great to begin European travel. Amsterdam is not bad either. Both have pleanty to keep you interested day or evening. London is often considered to be expensive, but can be done for less than some think. It just takes planning and a willingness to do go about things differently. Think about your interests, your timeline and your budget, then get back to us.

Posted by
430 posts

Agreed -- with one week and no experience choose 1 major location -- maybe choose a second one, but it had better be close by -- and really learn to explore the city, throwing in some side-trips.

An example first trip could be London for 4 days with a side trip, then Paris for 3 days, flying home from there.

Posted by
446 posts

"London is often considered to be expensive, but can be done for less than some think."

London is expensive, but it's cheaper now, with the Pound around $1.60, than it was before the economic crisis, when the Pound was worth $2.00.

Posted by
1717 posts

There are some relatively low prices for rooms at some good hotels (private bathroom) in London. They require paying the full amount of money, for every night, in advance (at the time the room is reserved), using a credit card at the Hotel's internet website. If the reservation for a room is not done via the internet, the price for the room is much higher. The price for a room can be lower if people book the room for 3 consecutive nights, and it includes a Friday night and Saturday night. (Booked on the internet, using a credit card).

Posted by
8 posts

thanks for all the tips guys! Jet lag shouldnt be a problem being that my girlfriend has gone there before and didnt have a problem with im sure i will be fine. As for our budget, I cant really give a certain price. I mean were not trying to go and eat at mcdonalds everyday but just to enjoy our trip with the least amount of money spent. But still spending what is necessary is fine.

Posted by
8 posts

and also we made the decision of staying in london our whole trip. Could someone possibly hint out so I have a good idea of what we can do in London. We plan on very little sight seeing but as for the club scenes, or bars, what are the best in town? Most friendly? What clubs are good? were both into techo beat music. And besides all the clubs and bars...what else could we do?

Posted by
1035 posts

.... because nothing says Rick Steves' message boards like techno music!

I am feeling like this thread is a sonebody's idea of a gag ... it is a good one if that is what it is.

If not a gag -- first time in Europe and you are going to spend it all in London. Take the train to Paris for a few day's for God's sakes.

Posted by
7 posts


Go to Amsterdam. Depending on what time of the year that you are traveling, you can catch an Easyjet Air flight from 9 euros to 26 euros per person for a one way ticket from London, Gatwick Airport to Schiphol Airport. You have to smoke up in the coffee shops. Drink tiny beers with a "Kapstoot" chaser! You will love the diversity of the people. WEAR your moneybelt!! Pack one carry on each. Don't act like the ugly american. Be nice. If you need to find cheaper hotels in London, go to the website It's great! Good luck.

Posted by
7 posts

Staying in London the whole time, eh? O.K. There are good bars and pubs everywhere, but if you want to be very brave, go down to Soho area. Everything is pretty expensive no matter where you go. First hit The Lab Bar for great drinks. It has two floors. Then Punk (14 Soho St. )is a crazy place for music. Finish up at Garlic and Shots on Firth St. It's great for late drinking. Be very careful, don't get too drunk, and you can have the time of your lives.

Posted by
818 posts

Please do not spend a whole week in London. Get yourself to Paris or Amsterdam (I would go to both).