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FAQ's: Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get started planning my trip?
A: A good starting point is Rick's general travel-skills handbook, "Europe Through the Back Door." Many of your questions about specific countries/cities are answered in Rick's travel guides. Or, see Rick's online planning materials.

Euros? How do I get euros on my trip?
A: From ATM's - Rick explains why: Money Travel Tips

Packing: How do I pack for my trip?
A: Rick on Packing Light and also Rick's Packing List

Weather? What's the weather going to be?
A: Plan ahead using historical weather patterns. If you're trip is within a week, get upcoming forecasts.

Electrical Adapters? Do I need a voltage converter or just plug adapters?
A: Make sure your electronics have built-in 110/220-volt converters. If so, you just need adapters. If not, you need a voltage converter.

Transportation? How do I get from Destination A to B?
A: Get started with Rick's travel tips, train schedules, maps for driving or general planning, and flight search within Europe.

How do I search this site for previous discussions pertaining to my question?
A: Use our "Search" bar at the top of the website! In your list of search results you can "Filter by Type" to narrow the list to forum results and narrow those further by timeframe.

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