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I am planning on taking my US-based MagicJack setup to make calls back to the US while I am in Europe. Is this smart? Does it work?

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5 posts

Thanks for the help. I am a Skype user, but only the free service so no dialing to regular numbers. I hope to find a lighter phone to use with MJ.

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606 posts

I don't have a MagicJack, but I've read that they require a "real" high-speed connection, like cable or fiber optic, that they won't work with satellite connections that call themselves high-speed.

A lot of places I've stayed in Europe had satellite TV. I don't know if the Internet they offer is satellite-based or not.

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300 posts

The common wisdom is that satellite connections don't work for internet telephony because the latency of the satellite link wreaks havoc with real-time communications. The actual bandwidth requirement isn't very high - my Vonage link only wants 90 kbps upstream at highest quality.