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RFID wallets?

Does anyone have one they are using? Any stories on having information read off their cards while stowed safely in their "regular" wallet? Any need for this technology while in Rome? Thanks

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23557 posts

Most of the information on that web site is technically accurate but very misleading. There is very little risk to anyone and absolutely no risk for a passport. Most of it is market hype playing on irrational fears to promote a marginal product.

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9109 posts

Steve, There are RFID chip on debit cards, my bank just sent me one. Having said that I wouldn't waste money on an RFID wallet. That money better spent on gelato!

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32324 posts


My first question is, how many cards do you have that contain RFID chips? Even if you have one or two cards, I suspect that there's only a remote possibility these could be "read" surreptitiously.

As someone else mentioned, you'll likely have more problems with "conventional" pickpockets.

The newer "chip" credit cards are not as vulnerable in this respect, as they physically have to be inserted in a reader and can't be accessed via wireless means.


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3 posts

Thanks for the responses; I guess I will keep my old wallet plus money belt. I think my wife was web surfing and saw the RFID stuff. Paranoid? I never had problems in Naples or Rome when visiting before, but I was much younger and on active duty in the Navy.