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Health Insurance

Is it required by any EU country that you MUST have health insurance to enter? I was planning on visiting France and Italy. Will immigration demand proof of coverage?

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9109 posts

It's required by the Czech Republic, but there have been no reports of immigration officials asking anyone for proof. But regardless of whether it's required by law, you should have this coverage anyway. Should you suffer a severe leg break and need special seating on an aircraft to get your back home, those charges start at $20,000USD. I've heard horror stories of travelers being financially ruined by these charges. You can get coverage for as little as $3.00 a day. There are lots of companies that provide medical/evacuation coverage, I happen to use this company:

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337 posts

I assume that you refer to tourist visas and not to long term visas. I think all EU countries demand health insurance coverage for long term visas.

France and Italy are both Schengen members, and according to the Schengen rules visitors who fall under the visa waiver regulations (e.g. US and Canadian citizens) don't need health insurance. Visitors who need Schengen visas don't get them without proof of 30000 Euro health insurance coverage.

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9 posts

Thanks for the info, guys. Much appreciated. I am going to have coverage for the time I'm there (<90 days), but I was just curious if it was a requirement.

Again, Thanks!

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12313 posts


If you are less than 90 days, you will probably be traveling under a visa waiver. I haven't ever been asked to show proof of health insurance when entering Europe.

It's good to know your policy however. Many policies use preferred provider networks to save costs. Using non-preferred providers without notifying the insurer immediately could make you liable for the payments. It's all in your policy. Policies are similar but not identical. Understand the rules in your policy and play by them if you need health care. You will be fine even if getting reimbursed is an additional hassle you hadn't planned on.