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Local guides

We've traveled the book method -- bringing tour books to help us understand what we are seeing. We've traveled the group method -- going with a tour company (best one, no surprise, was with Rick). Now we'd like to do a hybrid: Traveling on our own but using local guides for overviews and important sites (we sure missed out on Herculanum by going it alone many years ago).

My question: What are the best sources to find good guides for a location? I know we could just do a search on Google or check the tourist info office when we arrived, but arranging for a guide in advance and knowing we had the best one would be great.



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16057 posts

How about asking right here...just specify where you want to go and put it on the right board.

As an example, on the Italy board, this question comes up quite a bit and numerous guides have been mentioned.

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2 posts

That makes too much sense! Thanks for an elegant solution.


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3262 posts

Hi Charles,

We've also had good luck with a recommendations from hotel staff.

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5678 posts

Some (all?) countries require guides to be licensed so you can look for that credential. Also, I did find a great person online. ; ) Just ask for references. Pam

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590 posts

I meet local people from couchsurfing. They show me around their city and as a solo traveler it is nice to hang out with someone for the day/evening. I usually filter out people according to age group and try to find someone who has similiar interests as I do. Met some great people from there that show me places that aren't in guidebooks.

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126 posts

Just returned from a RS Paris tour. Our guide for the week is mentioned as a local guide in RS France book. The local guide we had for the Louvre and Versailles is also listed as a local guide in his book. Both were excellent.

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668 posts

Only used a guide twice, both times were great. Prague - RS Book recommendation. St. Petersburg - through Cruise Critic website.