Hi Guys, I am leaving today at 5 and I'm putting together my 3-1-1- bag and having trouble fitting a few things in the bag. Do you know if my solid deodorant can be left out of the Baggie? Thanks. :)
Thank you. That's what I thought but you never know what the TSA will say. I remember when the confiscated my lipstick and it surprised me (that was a few years ago).
A solid is not a liquid or gel. And they probably won't even want to see your baggie, but you do need to have it separate anyway.
Someone mentioned an easy way to know if something needs to go in the bag or not. If you can squeeze it, spray it, or spill it out of its container, then it needs to go in the bag.
solid deodorant, is well ,, solid, pack it in bag as normal.
They leave lipsticks alone, now, but my sis-in-law was on a trip when the liquid fiasco all started, and she had every last one of her Lancome lipsticks taken away. She was not a happy camper. For awhile, I put my lipsticks in the bag, and I still put lipgloss in there. Yes, solid deodorant is a ok (but in the early days, I put it in the bag, too).
Two years ago I was told by security that my lipstick/lip gloss had to be put with my liquids. Have done it ever since to avoid any troubles. But I have always put my solid deodorant out of the baggie and never had any issues.
It's a liquid if it drips (eye drops), sprays (nasal sprays, some deoderants, bug sprays or suntan oils), oozes (toothpaste) or pours (most liquids). If it doesn't do one of those, it doesn't have to be in your liquid bag. Your dry deoderant is okay but a gel, spray or roll-on deoderant wouldn't be.
You never know with the TSA. It seems like a solid, but you'll never know until you try.
Usually I don't put the solid deodorant with the liquids.
The OP left on her trip a week ago, so I guess she has her answer now. :)