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Currency Conversion

Can any recent travelers tell me what the conversion rate from dollar to Euro is?

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23722 posts

Conversion rate changes daily. Check the financial section of your local newspaper.

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25 posts

I would not change money at home. You're better off getting money a few times while travelling from a local ATM. This is also the method reccomened by Rick in his books.

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26 posts

The US Dollar looked like a sick puppy last time I checked the rate. However, if you love traveling to Europe, suddenly that puppy is peppy!

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550 posts

At least the euro is not as high as the British pound. My family and I just returned from England and are still smarting from that exchange rate. It will my trip to Italy this summer seem cheap!

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1358 posts

The best page I have found is You can click on CURDRENT TOOLS then click on FX Cheat Sheet, then click on Get my FX Cheat Sheet.

You can then print a pocket size converision table to take with you which you can quickly use to convert Euro prices to dollars.

No need for a pocket calculator. I have used the sheet on every trip I make to Europe.

You can also print a sheet for countries currency which do not use the Euro. I have converted many of my traveling friends to carry a Cheat Sheet and have had no complaints yet.

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2 posts

Simply go to and click on the "finance" link on the left and scroll down to Currency rates. It is updated daily.

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7 posts

Check the financial pages of your local newspaper. Somewhere there will exchange rates for all foreign currencies, and they are updated daily. As of today (4/27) the rate is about $1.36 for 1 Euro 9near an all-time high).

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2 posts

Has anyone opened a euro account to play the exchange? ATM card or Visa card?