Hello! I will be spending time in the Scandinavian countries this summer, and have a few questions regarding money, specifically, in what "form" (i.e, travellers checks, cash, etc) should I bring money?? Also, where are the best places to convert my American dollars to the country's currency-banks, kiosks, etc?? Any information is greatly appreciated!!
BTW, I'm hesitant to use credit cards and ATM's because my bank is going to charge me an additional 3% on withdrawls and charges...
They do charge the same percentage for ATM withdrawls and credit card charges. Thank you for responding to my question-I really appreciate it!!!
I've also seen a lot of posts on this board that Capitol One has a credit card that rebates back any foreign transaction fees and leaves you with either a zero fee or 1% fee. You might want to see about getting one of those cards if you have time before your trip.
Check this thread out: http://www.ricksteves.com/graffiti/helpline/index.cfm/rurl/topic/2148/arriving-with-euros.html Near the bottom is a post from someone named Henry, htat has some good info.
It appears that even with your bank charging you 3% for ATM withdrawals, you might be coming out ahead over taking travelers checks and cash.
Does your bank charge the same rate for both ATM and credit card withdrawals?
Thank you for that suggestion!! I will look into that this week. BTW, I love Seattle!!! You live in a beautiful place...
I suggest you check out 'Money 101' on this web site from Rick Steves.
FYI Finland is the only scandinavian country to use the Euro so you will be using a variety of funds. I suggest you check into changing banks to a credit union. They only charge 1% on currency exchanges (at least both of mine do) Also, my credit union only charges $1/ATM withdrawl out of country. I won't revisit everything that was said but I agree with them.