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1st Timer to Europe

Hello, I'm a 1st timer to Europe, landing in Madrid. I want to travel to Paris, Germany and if possible, Italy. I have a total of 14 days and this would include travel time to anywhere, returning to Madrid for my dep. Renting a car vs trains. Hostels? Do most hostels need reservations? HELP!!

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9363 posts

Unless you want to be spammed repeatedly, I would suggest removing your email address from your post. As far as planning your trip, how can we guess what your priorities are, what you like to do, what your budget is, etc. Too many variables - you need to start by doing some of your own research first. We are all volunteers here, and are happy to help with specific questions, or with tweaking an itinerary, but not creating one from scratch for you.

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11 posts

Hello Bloomington, IL, you are not too far from me. Anyway, I don't have much in mind as of yet, my trip is in May and so far, since I'm landing in Madrid, I plan a 3 day stay there, unless that's too long. From there I want to go directly to Paris and stay about 3 or so days. I wish to travel to Germany, any big city, none in particular. I must return to Madrid for my return flight (USAIR) but if I can squeeze in Italy or London, that would be great. I have a moderate budget but none to fancy. Any help is much appr. Also, I don't plan on staying in hotels, I can leave that for home. I wish to stay in hostels or maybe a B&B.

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4105 posts

The easiest and quickest way for you to get to Paris would be on they show flights on wednesdays for 27.99 euro ($37.00)
The problem you are going to have is travel time. You want to cover considerable distances which will leave you no time to explore the cities you want to see.

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11 posts

You mention flying from Madrid to Paris? The cost doesn't seem to be a problem, at that price. How long is the flight and do tickets need to be purchased ahead of time as we do here in the US?

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11 posts

why is it that when you going easyjet it adds about 15 euros to the 37 price

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1358 posts

Do the 14 days include your days flying too and from Madrid? If so, you've only got 12 days on the ground, the first of which you'll be jetlagged. Even if the 14 days don't include your flying days, you're looking at 3, possibly 4 countries in that time. Going to Madrid, Paris, and Munich or Berlin would be rushed, but doable. I'd leave Italy for another trip.

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11 posts

Is getting around easy on a bike, once you get to a city you wish to explore? If so, does anyone know how much it cost to rent a bicycle? does anyone have a list of website for hostels in paris madrid and berlin and do you typically have to get reservations if I travel in may?

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11503 posts

Miguel: We all want to be helpful, but you have a lot of questions that can be answered by reading Rick Steves' "Europe Through the Back Door" as well as his country books, Spain, France, Germany, Italy. Perhaps you can check them out at your library and do some basic research then come back with an itinerary idea and specific questions. Don't mean to be brusk, but since we are all volunteers, help us help you! Happy planning! Oh, and here is a planning video to help you:

Posted by
1178 posts

Miguel...For information on Madrid, sights, accommodations, etc., check Excellent source!
I can recommend two Hostals there - Hostal Montecarlo and Hostal Phillipe V - both in the same location on Gran Via, central starting point to see all of Madrid. Both are clean, resonable, and very adequate. I have stayed in others, but these will be good for your needs. Take the Aerco City Van from the airport to them, or if you are a bit more adventrous, try the subway. You can get off at their front door, literally, but I recommend the Aero Van as you will have some jet lag, etc....then take the underground back to the airport when you have your bearings. Travel light on the planes...the extra luggage charges, etc., can be expensive. You can leave your suticase thee in the hostal in Madrid most likely. I would also recommend saving some of Europe to see on another trip! Take the time to enjoy what you visit.