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Gift ideas?

Greetings - we're searching for a unique, useful (hopefully lasting) wedding gift for a Bride and Groom who are traveling to Europe for their honeymoon. Ideas? price range = up to $200.

Posted by
1317 posts

If I understand your question correctly, you want to purchase something in the U.S. to give the couple to take with/use on their European honeymoon?

If so, it depends on what they have planned or purchased so far. Luggage is obviously useful. Booking them some sort of tour or 'experience' that they can do while in Europe would also be special and unique, but would depend on what they already have arranged.

Posted by
3 posts

Yes. You're correct, they are in US and traveling to Europe. We'd like to give them something they can take with them on the trip. They are mid-late 20s and this is a first trip to Europe for both of them. I haven't been to Europe since the late 1980's so my knowledge is a bit old!

Is a GPS useful in Europe? Seems like a hassle to me....but then I'm old...;-)

Posted by
1633 posts

In ref to a GPS, I think you might have to purchase the maps for Europe separately--it would be an additional expense. Where and when are they going and how are they travelling. If they are travelling by train and haven't purchased their luggage/backpacks yet, that might be an option. As previously mentioned, you could purchase them a tour or maybe theater tickets. Do they have a nice digital still and/or video camera--any accessories they need for those? Considering how expensive their trip is going to be (because of the exchange rate), they might really need the cash. I'll keep thinking about it.

Posted by
10344 posts

You said gift under $200. GPS units for use in the US can now be found for under $200, but I'm not aware of any with European maps that are under $200.

Posted by
8293 posts

If they're going to Paris, you could make a reservation for them at a great restaurant and give them $200 in euros in a pretty little box, with the address of the restaurant.

Posted by
225 posts

I vote for something romantic rather than useful. A really nice dinner that they wouldn't be able to afford on their own would be a great idea.

Posted by
1455 posts

Its hard to find something unique, especially for a trip.

If they are going to Europe, you can book a reservation at Altitude 95 for lunch or diner. Its prefixed and prepaid. They'll just pay for drinks and any extras.

Posted by
808 posts

It might be helpful for some of us to make specific suggestions if you could let us know where they are going specifically in Europe.

You might want to talk to them and get a feel for what they might like to do and experience while they are there.

I'll tell you about one experience I had in Portugal that was a nice gift...
The first time I went to Palacio da Pena, my now ex made me walk all the way up the hill to the Castle, despite my Respiratory problems, on an exceptionally warm day to save Bus fare. (Yes, he was cheap...)

I told my Brother about the Horse Drawn Carriage rides you could take up to the Castle. The next time I went, he made sure I had enough Euros with instructions that a Princess deserves to go by Carriage...And not by Bus and certainly not by foot!

I don't know what they have planned but if you have an idea you could always make arrangements to make it extra special and have them experience something they might not otherwise.

Posted by
3 posts

Unfortunately, I don't have a lot of specifics. I know they are planning to visit London, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg.

Posted by
208 posts

If you're not able to get specifics on their trip, how about some pre-paid Visa cards? Hardly romantic, but very appreciated by the recipient.

Something I did buy my friends before their RTW trip were "backpack raincoats" they could hang from their backpacks and open up to prevent their stuff from getting wet. Nor is this in the $200ish range either.

If you can get some more information, it would help us.
I like the idea of buying them dinner from a nice restaurant for their vacation - it would take a bit of research, but it is possible.

Posted by
12313 posts

Here are some ideas.

GPS - get a GPS that comes with Europe maps and preset points of interest in the areas they will be going. I think you can get a TomTom 920 for about $300-$350.

IPOD - get them an MP3 player with a connection for two sets of earbuds. Download some of the MP3 walking tours that are available online for them to use on their trip. This can be more or less than $200 depending on the player you get.

Travel Videos/Pics - get them some travel videos of the places they will be visiting along with either coffee table books of those places or the Eyewitness travel guides (something with lots of good pictures).

DVD's - get them some DVD's of movies they would like set in the places they will be visiting. You could also add a couple of novels set in the same locations to take as reading material on their trip.

Posted by
1455 posts

If you get an iPod preloaded with the travelstuff, be sure to get them a splitter.

The splitter will allow 2 people to listen to the iPod.

Now, isn't that romantic?? LOL