Hubby and I are starting to dream/plan for our trip next year and we're having the issue of too many places/not enough time and money and would love some ideas. We're looking at dates around the end of Aug/beginning of Sept.
We've been to the UK, France, Spain, Germany, Italy, Czech Repub, Denmark, Belgium, Monaco, and the Netherlands. We loved Italy and have several places we want to return, but we were just there exclusively last year so not sure we want to focus on it again so soon. We just got back from a whirlwind Amsterdam, Munich, Prague, and Copenhagen.. and liked all of them, but it was too many big cities and go-go-go. We plan on doing Ireland/UK in a few years, so that's off the table.
Some options we've thought about are Istanbul, Greece, and Italy (but flights from Athens to Italy seem random and very few nonstops). We've also considered Croatia, but again, flights seem strange and expensive to/from Italy. We'd prefer to avoid Scandinavia because we're still in shock and awe over the prices in Copenhagen.
Where would you go if you had 16 nights (budget is around $8k, including air.. for reference, we did 15 nights Europe/2 nights NYC for the same budget a few weeks ago)?