Hello - My husband and I and our 13 year-old daughter are getting a head-start on planning a trip to Europe for July 2018. We are trying to be realistic about where to go and what to see. We are flying from NYC (JFK). We simply MUST visit Amsterdam and Paris. Belgium is also a possibility but not crucial. But we cannot decide what and how much more to see - We have 14 days to work with. Any and all advice would be appreciated. The following information about our preferences may be useful:
- We would like to stay put for a two days when we first arrive in Europe due to the jet lag
- A chance to have some relax time in a resort for a few days at some point would be welcome
- We don't have to fly in and out of the same airport
- We like to see the non-touristy stuff - We're not the types of people that HAVE to see everything (i.e our daughter is not going to want to spend her vacation in museums all day long) - We like to see what "the locals" are up to.
- Traveling by train is fine, but we don't want to get stuck with multiple 4-hour long trips.
- We are huge history buffs.
- My husband and I have already been to England, Scotland and most of Italy - We've been on an acutal 'tour' before but this will be our first time going-it-alone