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Where to go before or after Paris??

Because this topic crosses more than one country, I chose to post it in the general forum. Hoping I might get a bit more traffic. If not I will post in the France forum. Thanks!

We will be traveling back to Paris next summer and we are looking for somewhere else to spend a week after or before 2 weeks in Paris. I have been looking at a few spots such as Brussels/Amsterdam/Annecy/Lyon. I can't seem to narrow it down. We are looking for something a little more relaxed. We have two girls who will be 12 and 14 for our next trip. We backpacked last year to Edinburgh/Paris/Venice/Rome. Any and all suggestions would be welcome. Small or big towns are fine, we are even willing to split our last week up in two locations as long as the transportation is relatively easy. We prefer to take the train, so if you have the transportation links or details (roughly) that would be greatly appreciated.

We enjoy hiking, walking, great wine (not for the kids), ancient sites, less crowds, outdoor events, biking, scenic and less crowded areas.

Thanks for any advice, tips, hints or direction you can provide. And yes, I have done a lot of guide book reading and research, but I would also like to hear others views and suggestions.


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4132 posts

In the summer I would be very tempted to visit the Berner Oberland, flying into or home from Zurich. Burgundy or Alsace could make a pleasant midway stop.

The train is straightforward for such a trip, though you might want a car to explore Burgundy. (For a day, renting bicycles in Burgundy would keep you busy.)

Your other possible destinations are very feasible too! And probably less expensive than Switzerland. But I think Dick is on to something. The Alps are special.

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1221 posts

We did German Alps-Paris and loved the Alps- can do TGV (combine at some times with ICE) from Paris to Munich and then either take the train or rental car into places like Garmisch or Berchtesgarten where the ski towns do a lot of summer activities in order to try to keep the flow of tourists even throughout the year. And while it's not quite ancient, Ludwig's castles are interesting and frequently beautiful and I'm sure you can find a one day bus tour for many of them if need be.

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1 posts

How about a quick TVG ride to Nîmes - hike around the Pont du Gard & see the Roman ruins in the area. Pit stops in Arles, Les Baux de Provence, maybe Aix-en-Provence?
You can easily drive or take the train to Marseille for a day in the city and then a day hiking in Les Calanques- so lovely!

Visit Cannes and Nice. Monaco has the Aquarium and lots to see. You can easily fly out of Nice or take the TGV back to Paris from there. Have a fun trip no matter what you choose to do!

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21 posts

Being you are Canadian, how about a stop at Vimy Ridge to see the Canadian monument and see such an important spot for Canadians. I think it would be a stop on your way to Paris from somewhere else, perhaps Alsace, which is gorgeous.