lindanjim: “It seems new found authority is a heady thing for pimply faced youths in their first "real" job.”
You’re besmirching a young worker at CDG for enforcing rules and doing his/her job? The rules aren’t arbitrary…enforcement can sometimes seem quite arbitrary, however. Still, why shouldn’t this worker do his job, and why should he/she bend or break the rules to accommodate you, especially when you are in the wrong? It really doesn’t matter what you got away with your whole trip and what others are getting away with in the next lane over. The rules are the rules, and it's your responsibility to understand them ahead of time. Plus, when you're over the limit like you say you were, you're taking up the overhead bin space of other paying passengers. How is that fair or okay? James is right…it’s almost always a bag and a personal item, and that’s all. I fly United all the time, and that’s their rule (per the question of the OP).
I know the average age around here is on the high side, but don’t allow that statistic to negatively color your views of young people. After all, weren’t you once a pimply faced youth in his/her first real job?