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Prague or Vienna?

We have 3 days to split between Prague and Vienna. Which should we spend 2 days, leaving one for the other?

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20709 posts

You should spend all three days in one city. if its July or August I would choose Prague because a lot of the Vienna theaters are closed in the summer. the rest of the year Vienna. If you are under 35, probably Prague, over 45 probably Vienna. To drink and party Prague. Theater, concerts, the arts, then Vienna. On a tight budget, go to Budapest.

But 3 days is just barely enough time for one town much less two, but that's just my opinion.

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5524 posts

You really wouldn't have 2 days in one and 1 day in the other as it will take you half a day to travel from one to the other - most likely traveling in the middle of the day. I suggest as well that you pick one or the other.

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4637 posts

Three days is too little time to see one of them not to mention two. You have a hard decision which is for you to be decided. Vienna is grandious, a former capital of an important empire now just a capital of small Austria. To see: St.Stephen Cathedral, Graben (central square or street), Hoffburg, Schonbrunn, Opera House, cafe houses, shopping street Kartnerstrasse, Mariahilferstrasse and much more. Consult Rick Steves book Vienna, google, look at pictures. Prague is more picturesque with beautiful medieval center with stunning views from Charles Bridge to Hradcany. Prague hotels, restaurants, transit, museums, concerts, operas, etc. are in most cases cheaper or much cheaper than Vienna. Not to mention beer which is one of the best and cheapest anywhere. Read Rick Steves book: Prague and the Czech Republic, google Prague for pictures and more information. Check: , , google expats in Vienna and expats in Prague and make an informed and educated decision which city would suit your taste better. To try both in only three days could make you disappointed.

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9 posts

James is so right. Your real choice is which city to spend 3 days in. My opinion is Vienna. i have been to Prague four times since my first visit in March of 1990. Each time I wonder why I enjoyed it so much that first time. I have been to Vienna three times and I always wonder why I haven't found a way to spend more time there!

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15098 posts


"...leaving one for the other?" If just those two choices, either or: Vienna.

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868 posts

Each time I wonder why I enjoyed it so much that first time.

In the early 90s Prague wasn't turned into Disneyland yet, and the Jewish cemetery or the cathedral didn't feel like busy train stations for example. I love architecture and know Prague inside out, but today some parts can only be visited in January or February, when the tourist hordes aren't in town.

Back to topic: if you know nothing about the city see Prague, which is more picturesque. If you know a bit about Austria-Hungary, Mozart and the HRE see Vienna, which has more historical depth.

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4637 posts

If you decide for Prague outside winter months to see and enjoy Prague without crowds, get up early, then walk so called Golden King Way through the Old Town across the Charles Bridge and up Nerudova Street toward Hradcany Castle and you will share it with just few people. By 9 am build up of crowds starts and after 10 am forget it and stroll in less crowded parts of Mala Strana, Old Town, residential parts of New Town and residential neighborhood of Vinohrady, parks with views like Petrin, Letna, visit museums: Museum of Communism, Museum of KGB, National Technical Museum, Mucha's Slavic Epic in Veletrzni Palac (it was moved there from Moravsky Krumlov), etc. Unfortunately crowds are in Prague for reason and it's annoying that the secret got out.

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11294 posts

If you really only have 3 days, see just one. Which one? Flip a coin. I say that because both have a lot to see and do, and they are very different from each other. Some people like one city and not the other, some like both, and some don't like either. I personally preferred Prague, but that's just me.

I know you didn't ask about Budapest. My personal take is that even though Budapest, Prague and Vienna are spoken of as triplets, and have geographic proximity and shared history, they're as different as apples, oranges, and bananas. So, your reaction to one in no way predicts your reaction to the others. And it's very important to approach each one on its own terms; don't expect them to be anything alike. My sister loved Prague and was very disappointed when Budapest was quite different (incidentally, she loathed Vienna). Similarly, friends of mine loved Vienna and thought Budapest would be "Vienna II - The Sequel"; it wasn't, and they had a bit of difficulty adjusting.

Of course, if one "calls" to you more than the other, go for that one. In addition to reading about them in guidebooks, you can see Rick's videos on them on Hulu.

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964 posts

I agree with Harold, and of the two, I'd choose Prague. I think it's more fun. But that's just my opinion! Both cities have stunning architecture.

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833 posts

I have not been to Prague, so I cannot comment on that city, but maybe I can suggest an alternative. If Vienna interests you the most, do three days there - but take a day trip to Bratislava. Bratislava is a cool city with a neat city center, castles and more... You can take the train (round trip for 11 euro if I recall correctly) between the two cities - it takes an hour. Or if the river is high enough, you can take a boat between the two.

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1717 posts

Hello fuzz_42. I would choose to go to Vienna, be there three days. Vienna has the best palace in Europe : Schonbrunn.

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3050 posts

It depends what you're interested in, honestly, but I agree with the others that you should choose one or the other.

If you're a novice traveler to Europe, don't care about history, art, or music, then Prague makes more sense. It has things that a casual tourist loves. If you are into history, art, or music and have traveled a bit in Europe, there's a lot more of interest in Vienna, but it's not as apparent on the surface. Obviously budget wise Prague is a lot cheaper, Vienna is pretty pricey for central Europe.

I love Vienna, I'm glad I saw Prague but it didn't do that much for me. But I'm a history nerd and a fan of Renissance art and baroque craziness. Budapest I adore but I wouldn't recommend it for a novice, it's a little rough around the edges.

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124 posts

I loved both and agree you should do only one and not waste time traveling between cities. I would have to say Prague. It is unique and has great architecture. It has a bit of a gritty feel to it, probably due to it once being Communist. Vienna is very clean and proper. Prague is more out of the ordinary.