Does anybody know of a good French/English translation app that does not require a wifi connection?
We've used Jibbigo on our Ipods, both French and Spanish. I'd give it about a C. It's supposed to have voice recognition but It seems to take, literally, forever to work - so we don't use the feature. It works well enough for translating something you type in either in English or French, then shows the written translation as well as says the translation.
Ruth, I also use Jibbigo in German, French and Spanish with my iPhone and it works reasonably well. It has an offline version (it's a large file) and provides speech translation - I speak the English phrase into the App, and it then translates and speaks the other language with good pronunciation. If it doesn't "understand" the speech, it's possible to also type the phrase in. I'm told by native speakers that it gets the meaning across but not always grammatically perfect. I believe Google Translate also has an App but I haven't tried it yet. Happy travels!
Thanks to both of you. I've downloaded the offline version of French and Spanish and will try out the French tomorrow!
We use Collins French/English dictionary which is excellent.
I used Google Translate a lot in Italy and it worked pretty well. The only downside is that you will need to be connected to Wifi or to a cell network for it to work.
@Brad, I've found that the Jibbigo voice recognition works reasonably well in "quiet environments" with my iPhone, as long as I speak slowly and clearly, and try to minimize contractions, abbreviations or slang. It gets the wording right most of the time. It's easy enough to correct with the keyboard if there's a minor error.
We also have Jibbigo on our Ipods. Although the voice recognition feature never seems to work, it's reasonably functional otherwise - and doesn't need to be in a wifi zone to use.