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Rhine River in January

Hello fellow travellers, We are travelling from Amsterdam Netherlands through to Frankfurt Germany in January 2014 & are trying to find out if its possible to take Rhine River Ferry from Koblenz Germany to St Goar stay the night in St Goar then continue to Mainze the next day. Do the Ferry's run at all during January ?
Thanks for any help or info.

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19300 posts

According to the K-D website, in January, they only run from Boppard to Rüdesheim. You could take a train from Koblenz to Boppard, then the train from Boppard (14:300 to St Goar (15:40). The following morning, you take the boat from St. Goar (12:10) to Rüdesheim (14:30), then the train from Rüdesheim to Mainz.

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12040 posts

"Do the Ferry's run at all during January" If you mean the autoferries that shuttle cars back and forth from one side of the river to the other, these run all year, provided the river conditions are safe. If you mean the a boat that tours the Mittelrhein and makes frequent stops... I'm not sure about KD, but there are other companies that offer day tours. I don't believe they make as many stops, however.

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2 posts

Ok thanks guys, I looked at KD website as posted in the first reply and yes your correct. May look at hiring a car , I would expect it to be a great drive depending on weather conditions & give us more flexibility to explore the route & castles along the way. Thanks & Regards Pondy.

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7147 posts

"May look at hiring a car , I would expect it to be a great drive depending on weather conditions & give us more flexibility to explore the route & castles along the way. Thanks & Regards Pondy." I wouldn't bother with a car for this route, and in January, I wouldn't stay in St. Goar. There's really not much to see and do in the valley in winter. Two can make it from Koblenz to Mainz by train for 26€ with a Rheinland-Pfalz ticket daypass. Make a stop in Braubach (just 11 train minutes from Koblenz) to tour Marksburg Castle (great tour, the best Rhine option, open daily year-round.) No lockers for bags - you can leave bags at the TI office in Braubach (open til 17:00 weekdays, 4 hours on Sat.) Then take the train south to Mainz via Rüdesheim and Wiesbaden. You'll catch all the scenery along the way, as the train follows the river bank. If you want to brave the weather and walk the old towns of Bacharach and Oberwesel, you can do so on a separate daytrip from Mainz (without your bags.)