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Need Backpacking Advice!

Hello there! Next spring (2014), my best friend and I will be studying abroad in Florence, Italy. After classes finish up around mid May,we were hoping to backpack from Italy up to Paris and seeing as much as we can in-between! Tentatively this will be from May 17-June 4. Here are some places on our bucket list to hit (keep in mind we are just brainstorming now, so a lot of our ideas are pretty vague. So any advice/tips would be wonderful!) -Switzerland -Austria (Salzburg) -Praque -Germany (Munich) -Luxembourg Any advice and ideas would be much appreciated! Thanks so much!

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1840 posts

This looks familiar. Why don't you hit a bookstore with a bucket list of guidebooks and do a little planning of your own then come back here with specific questions.

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2081 posts

hi, if you want us to enable you see/do everything, you will get that here. I wont tell you to NOT see something either. since you have alot of time to plan and research what you want to do/see, it gives you time to readup and research on your own. As much as i would love to TELL you what to do/see, i think you would be better off with your travel companion spending some lazy sundays going over some guide books, maps and googling. after all what floats your boat may not float mine. one comment. you may want to THINK about why you want to go there too. TIME = $$$ and if you spend time as in Luxembourg, that may cause you to leave something out in some other area that you WISHED you would have planned for. Im just using Luxembourg as an example and dont want to offend any Luxembourg fan people. happy trails.

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1717 posts

Hello Brianne. My first Question : during the time you will be at Florence, will you travel to other parts of ITALY ?
If you will travel for two weeks, between Florence and Paris, I suggest that you travel in a total of three countries. That could be three countries other than ITALY.