During our travels, if we decide to stay in a city or village that we didn't expect to stay at what would be the best way to find cheap rooming. Farms, private homes, rooms for rent. I don't think these places have a web site to find or book on. What would we have to look for to find cheap rooms for rent. Are there signs in windows?
Windows, fence, gate, yard. Ask in a bar, store, gas station, TI. Look on the town bulletin board. That's the way us regular folk do it.
Thanks, that was great help! We are very excited for this trip.
All cities will have a tourist office. Depending on which country, many towns if they have a couple of things which attract will have a tourist office, even if only open for limited hours. And yes, bars have worked for my wife and I on the odd occasion.
Hi, Yes, in the smaller towns in Germany, you will see signs in the windows indicating rooms available. Look for: "Zimmer zu vermieten" or "Zimmer frei" I stayed at one of these arrangements once in a small town in Westphalia...very nice with breakfast included and en suite.