Hi All,
I have been reading Rick Steves books, online articles and watching some of his videos. I stumbled across this forum and saw that it offers an opportunity to get some more specific advice to what I am looking to do so I figured I would ask!
I will be in Ireland with for a week with family doing a guided tour at the very ended of June. I have since decided that I am going to add on 10-days to visit other European Countries and Cities. Since I am flying into Dublin it made sense to book a round trip flight out of Dublin. I know its not ideal, but I have already set aside the last day of my trip to fly back to dublin for an afternoon flight back home.
I have done some research on various cities I would like to see. Right now, my plan is to fly to Barcelona from Dublin on the last day of the tour. Then I would make my way up to Paris then London and finally back to Dublin. I want to see those major cities but also some quieter remote parts of those countries. (A big bonus would be to fit in the Swiss Alps, or Italy as well.) I should also mention that I don't think I will be waiting hours to see things like the Lourve. Even though I would love to, I would rather spend my time more wisely.
Am I stretching myself too thin? Would I be able to do that trip with a selective EuroRail pass?
I am open to other ideas if this is crazy... I have never been to Europe before, so I am looking for a friendly, leveled head push in the right direction.
Also, I will be traveling alone. Any tips in this regard would also be helpful!
Thank you in advance!