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Versailles booking

Just wondering, has anyone had trouble in the past week with Versailles tickets on their website? I have tried booking and when it comes to payment
it has not accepted my card, nor my husband's. A friend on a different computer had her card not accepted for payment as well.
I have sent a message to the Chateau and hopefully it is a problem with their site.
Trying to book for April 23 2025. at 9.30 am

Posted by
3 posts

Hey, you're not alone. I'm having the same problems as well. I found this old thread and am wondering if the only solution is to call them and try to purchase a ticket through the phone.

How frustrating! There was a recent thread where the OP ultimately
called the Château and they took a phone order for their tickets.
Perhaps that would work for you:
+ 33 1 30 83 78 00 There are English speakers available on the phones. Here is a quote from that thread:

Called Versailles today and purchased tickets. They have English speaking operators - super easy. Got my tickets immediately by email.
011 33 1 30 83 78 00. Operator did not know why the issue but it
happens frequently.

Hope this helps, have a great day at Versailles!

I've tried multiple cards, different browsers, wi-fi, and my phone on cellular and have had no success. When calling my card companies, they said they've taken all fraud warnings off for me and that any other problems are from the merchant. There was a different thread I found which claimed it may have been a Visa problem but when I asked Citi about it, they said they could not see any blocks on their end.

I have also sent them a message. Have you heard back from them by any chance?

Posted by
701 posts

Hi Susy
I wrote them once again and they said there is not problem with their site. Like you phone Visa and checked re fraud, blocking etc but they assured me everything is fine.
I am having my daughter call for me on a land line as I am in Florida right now with just a cel phone little data.
I will let you know how we make out.
Also when dates did you book for?

Posted by
3 posts

I'm trying to book for May 24th and haven't had any luck.

Hah. Looks like I may have to call them after all. My back up to the back up plan is to try Viator for a maybe dubious and unreliable ticket.

Best of luck! I'll keep my fingers crossed for the both of us.

Posted by
3 posts

Oh! Hey! I just tried again with my husband's card and it finally went through. It only took 7 or 8 tries haha.

Posted by
701 posts

Finally succumbed to the phone and got the tickets for the date and time we wanted. Thank you for your help and thoughts
on this topic. So glad you got your tickets. Perserverance prevailed.

Posted by
47 posts

Hello: I have been trying to book online for Versailles Palace Passport tickets along with Versailles Electro VIP tickets for over two weeks. I have emailed Versailles Palace customer service for both, along with Hiring a Bike. No one will help.
After much frustration, I have decided to move on to Paris since I am not able to book. I wish you much luck.

Posted by
1 posts

I tried yesterday and this morning multiple times to book my tickets for May 2. I finally had to call them. Called Versailles today and purchased tickets. They have English speaking operators. 011 33 1 30 83 78 00. Operator did know there is an issue but and it
happens frequently. He had to send a link to my email and then I clicked on the link but it wouldn't go through either (using chrome) so I finally clicked on the link from my phone email and my card went through. Immediately received tickets in email after that.

Hope this helps, have a great day at Versailles!

Posted by
47 posts

I am going to try to call the number you have posted..thank you so much for this information. I have been trying to book for weeks. I emailed the booking office and no reply. I tried everything online. I called MC and Visa, both said it is not my CC it is their website. I will update. Many thanks!

Posted by
701 posts

Judy if you call the number as indicated you will have no problem. We had to call and there were English speaking personnel who were most accommodating.
Just a further comment- if they know there is a problem with their site I am surprised it has not been fixed, due to so many wanting to visit this historical site.

Posted by
18 posts

I was able to book on the Versailles site without a problem. It's weird that this issue is so hit and miss.

One issue I have experienced in the past on other sites is that when you're using Chrome sometimes it will open the French version of the site and automatically translate it to English using Google translate. This tended to cause numerous glitches and errors with reservation and purchasing systems. I had to make sure I was selecting the English version of the site using the dropdown in the upper right corner for things to work correctly.

I'm not sure if that's what's happening here, but I thought I'd put it out there just in case.

Posted by
701 posts

I used the drop down to English as well but I think it was a credit card issue for most of us. I even had a friend in Italy try to book, but ran into the same credit card issue not being accepted and this card was for an Italian bank..
I do think if anyone reading this thread should call the number provided to make life much easier..