I applied twice in September and got two Pass sanitaire QR codes near the end of September. However, we cancelled our trip because neither of us had a pass sanitaire when we were supposed to leave for France, so we re-booked for the end of October and I got an email yesterday saying my pass sanitaire is cancelled because I was supposed to leave France on October 1st. My question is, do you need a different pass Sanitaire each time you go to France, or is it good for a year or 6 months?
I've submitted that question to [email protected], but haven't heard back yet. We are also booked to go there next April.
Thanks for any help you can provide.
Can you copy and post the language from that email, and who or what entity sent it to you?
Others have written on the forum that there is no expiration date or deadline for the pass sanitaire, so this email you got seems very odd to me. Once the pass is issued, how would "they" know whether you traveled to France or not on the dates you said you would be there? When you canceled your trip, did you notify the French authorities of that action? Did you attempt to update your dates of travel with the pass site?
Too bad you cancelled.
I went to France from 9-19 through 9-23. Never had the Pass Sanitaire. My husband and I applied 3 times before I went, and I never received it. When I got to the airport, they never asked for it only our CDC card.
On the flight going to France from Prague, the airline had us fill out a passenger locator form they passed out on the plane.
While in Paris, to go to museums, restaurants, etc...they looked at our cdc card.
my husband and I are double vaxxed and us citizens. we had no issues at all.
Hope this helps.
When we applied we had to provide our travel document so they know when you arrive and leave. Because of this I would say yes
Wow. I hope they aren't cancelling passes when we leave so that I have to go through this again this spring.
it makes sense to me that they are not perpetual - the vaccine wears off after some time and needs boosters - so a revised or reissued pass makes more sense to me..
On another thread last week, I replied that I thought the pass expired when your travel ended and I was corrected by a host of responders. This correction differed from what a pharmacist had told me in Paris so I used the message function to ask if the pass that I received would expire. They answered twice saying that the pass does not expire. The replies arrived on October 4th and October 5th so maybe things have changed since then. Here is the text from both emails as well as my question.
My E-mall: "Good morning,
I received my pass for my trip to France from 21st September 27th September. If I return to France, next month or later this year, will I need to apply for a new pass or is my pass valid indefinitely? Thank you."
October 4 Response: "Hello
Your pass has no time limit and you can use it in any European country.
best regards"
October 5 Response: "Hello, The pass you have is valid in all European countries.
There is no validity date.
best regards"
Someone asked for a copy of what they sent, it's in french, but here it is: Though, I also want to say early on that I sent an email to Pass Sanitaire regarding its expiration, and they said there is no experation date. I think this rejection was probably because I made two applications. Here is their rejection letter:
Votre dossier nº 5435824 a été refusé (Demande de conversion d’un certificat de vaccination étranger en passe sanitaire français (étrangers)) / Your application (no. 5435824) has been rejected (Demande de conversion d’un certificat de vaccination étranger en passe sanitaire français (étrangers))
Also, I know at least in Paris, you could get by pretty well with just the CDC card, but everyone I know who has gone without the pass sanitaire has had to have multiple PCA swabs, and with four of us there for two weeks, the chance of one of us testing positive (falsly or truly) was pretty high, and if that happened, we would all be effectively quarantined. We are going to the Cote D'Azur October 28, so we should have perfect weather.
I returned from France on 13 November and noticed the next day that, when I open the Pass Sanitaire app on my phone, it says "Deactivated" at the top. I don't know, however, whether this is because of the scheduled end date of my trip or the fact that the app can detect that I am no longer in Europe. Hoping I don't have to go through the process again for my trip back to France on 10 December, but guessing I will.
Did you place your phone in airplane mode for the trip home? If you did, the app deactivates and all you need do is to reactivate it. TousAntiCovid is just an app and, like all apps, they can be on or off.
I returned from France November 8 and my Pass Sanitaire ap still works just fine. I was hoping to be able to use it when I go back in April but now we need to load a booster and I fear I'll have to pay the big fee for each of us to do that and basically start over. The free ap process got destroyed by people applying multiple times until they broke it. Thanks.
I obtained my Passe Sanitaire prior to arriving in Paris in October. I have it on my Tous AntiCovid app and is valid for 1 year from the date they issued it to me. I also printed out a hard copy just to have as a spare. If I go back to France before next September, I will be good to go and will not need another pass.
However — it is highly likely that between now and next September, more than two shots will be required in order to have a fully valid health pass. In fact, already as of December 15, France will require a person to have three vaccinations for a valid health pass if you are 65 years of age or older. Next age groups will surely follow in turn.
@Kim...I got my third Pfizer shot the end of August so I actually had all three documented when I applied for my PS.
Aha!! That is great — you’re set, then !